the future of humanity now

Tag MetricMedia

Futurist Dr. M Amon Twyman Joins Metric.Media

(London, UK; Provo, Ut) Earlier today a Provo, Utah based company announced they have brought on prominent futurist Dr. M. Amon Twyman as part of their media strategy.  From there website: “One of the key goals this coming year for… Continue Reading →


Society and Artificial Intelligence: a Deep-Dive Series. Introduction Like many techies, people who’ve used these these rectangular objects called ‘computers’, or anyone who’s seen any sci-fi movie since the 80’s, I have been interested in Artificial Intelligence for a long… Continue Reading →

50PH14: Slaughterbots & Fear-mongering vs. Useful Action

So . . . . the Elon Musk anti-AI hype cycle has started up again. Elon Musk, Warren G, and Nate Dogg: It’s Time to ‘Regulate’ A.I. Like Drugs Worse, we have the Stuart Russell’s movie, Slaughterbots. screen-grab from Slaughterbots Actually,… Continue Reading →

Transhuman House 2.0 Launch

With the donation of a new 3 bedroom condo in Provo, the Transhuman House has moved to a new location that is bigger and better and as we are setting up, we hope to open the first week of dec. … Continue Reading →

Startup Metric.Media does for Real life What Amazon did for Online Advertising With Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

(16 AUG 2017) – Provo, Utah – Hall Labs has invested in a startup called Metric.Media.  To understand what Metric.Media is doing think of it this way… Say you’re at a mall with your girlfriend in one city nearby and buy a… Continue Reading →

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