The human brain is a fascinating organ, and it accounts for much of the distinction between human beings and other life forms. Interesting questions regarding the brain arise. For example, why is it that, in the early stages of human… Continue Reading →
Introduction Throughout the European and wider western world, tribalism is once again emerging, through the lens of mainstream xenophobic parties, CounterJihad activism, the emergent Alt-Right and outright militant neo-Nazis. This phenomenon is however not only confined to the western world… Continue Reading →
EFTF and the EFTF Manual is a TNC (Transhuman National Committee) Fundraiser. Get Tickets Here for the Saturday March 11th in Provo, Utah: This is a work group that will be an all day workshop on the EFTF book and… Continue Reading →
Timothy Killian authored a critique of the New God Argument (NGA). Entitled “An Analytic Review of Lincoln Cannon’s ‘The New God Argument’“, the critique includes some interesting thoughts about NGA’s assumptions. The critique also includes numerous mischaracterizations of NGA, the… Continue Reading →
EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →
Open access to Tools and Technology by Gabriel Licina presented by the Extreme Futures Tech Fest – Winter 2016. Open access to tool and advancing technology is key to moving technology forward. the Restrictions we have in the industry currently… Continue Reading →
Basic Income Has Not Been Debunked David Rotman, via Technology Review (11 March 2016), described basic income as a “danger.” David Rotman wrote: “Eduardo Porter […] does an excellent job of debunking this utopian scenario.” On this occasion I won’t… Continue Reading →
“I support the Transhuman National Committee in its goal to influence governance in the United States of America on behalf of Transhumanists in a democratic manner, reflecting our diversity, and with secular neutrality toward traditional and emerging cultures. I also… Continue Reading →
It is, of course, wise and beneficial to peer ahead for potential dangers and problems — one of the central tasks of high-end science fiction. Alas, detecting that a danger lurks is easier than prescribing solutions that can prevent it…. Continue Reading →
Concerning a way to pay for an Unconditional Basic Income that grows instead of fails or remains just enough to relieve severe poverty: A Basic Income project was announced at on November 24, 2014.(1) The approach described involves a… Continue Reading →
Being evaluated by the TPC currently: The 21st Century Cures Act (House Resolution 6 is a bi-partisan proposal introduced by from Congressman Fred Upton (R-MI) and introduced May 19 2015 and assigned to the House Energy and Commerce Committee chaired… Continue Reading →
By the Interim Chairperson of the Transhuman National Committee of the United States Let us face it, Transhumanism is an Ideology, an ideology about ‘transcending’ our biology, of being more than we are, of being ethically and morally bound to… Continue Reading →
On September 19th I left, disgruntled, my position as Secretary of the USATranshumanist Party. The next day, I joined the Open Source Party. The two decisions are closely related: they’re about transparency and democracy in government. USA Transhumanist Party doesn’t… Continue Reading →
I am advocate for transhumanism, rightly defined. I am certainly not a technophobe who perceives all technology to be bad. In my opinion, human technology – like all matter – is a tool that can be used for good or… Continue Reading →
The Transhumanist Party represents a new branch of the Transhumanist movement, and as such is now taking the first steps in a long journey. Here at the beginning, we have the opportunity to consider how our movement will be organised,… Continue Reading →
Now days it is sort of a joke about this conspiracy or that government plot when the term illuminati comes up. I was doing some reading and it seems that while the thinking around the term tends to be fringe… Continue Reading →
There is a lot of dispute regarding human level artificial intelligence. Some critics think it will never happen. They compare super-intelligent AI to religious belief. Publishing Singularity critical articles shortly before a narrow-AI passed the Turing Test was exceptionally bad… Continue Reading →
Eradicating Poverty – worldwide – needs to be on the Transhumanist To-Do List. We need to utilize new technology and new ideas to alleviate the hunger, disease, malnutrition, and despair that are caused by poverty. We need to be philanthropic,… Continue Reading →
As robots slowly become more capable, the realization that our relationship with work must undergo radical review is spreading. Mostly, thoughts turn to the link between jobs and wages. Proposals are put forward, such as the introduction of a guaranteed… Continue Reading →
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