In this installment of the Future Grind podcast host Ryan O’Shea sits down with Gennady Stolyarov II, Chairman of the US Transhumanist Party. Gennady took the reins of the Transhumanist Party when the organization’s founder, Zoltan Istvan, stepped down after… Continue Reading →
The Latest From Nikola – in an interview with Gennady Stolyarov II. Nikola says on his blog: “Transhumanism is a growing social and philosophical movement with more and more people becoming aware of and sympathetic to it. In fact, in… Continue Reading →
(Provo, Utah) (ZS ARG) It appears that in a brief clash between employees at AI systems controlled by the Architect at the Artificial Intelligence Lab on campus that there is one confirmed dead and virtually all the employees are now… Continue Reading →
Transhumanism is a philosophy of lofty aspirations and universally applicable substance. Yet, when articulated at its usual level of abstraction, it is often misunderstood, especially if commonplace cultural connotations, myths, and fears from popular fiction inject nefarious undertones into what… Continue Reading →
7.6 billion people are living on Earth, and every one of them deserves equal political power. Transhuman Party (a new H+ organization) believes the future should be egalitarian, cooperative, inclusive, anti-hierarchal, motivated by egoless altruistic reform-seeking actions, with radical democracy and collective intelligence. Transhuman Party… Continue Reading →
Zoltan Istvan was a 2016 Presidential transhumanist candidate who actually ran as an individual (not as the Transhumanist Party candidate, because TP was never registered with the FEC – Federal Election Committee.) Despite the fraudulent past of the Transhumanist Party,… Continue Reading →
The TNC (Transhuman National Committee) is doing its initial fund raising through a partnership with EFTF (Extreme Futures Technology and Forecasting Conference) coming to San Francisco on Saturday Oct 22nd. Proceeds from the event will help fund an office in… Continue Reading →
[TPG] STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF THE (US) TRANSHUMAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE The following is an open letter being read as an address at the (US) Transhuman National Committee convention on 27th February 2016: My name is Amon Twyman, and I am… Continue Reading →
EDIT: Please note that the first paragraph below has been expanded slightly, to make it perfectly clear who the author is, and in what official capacity this letter has been written. My name is Amon Twyman. This is an open… Continue Reading →
The mission of the Transhumanist Policy Center (TPC) is to provide nonpartisan guidance to the public, policy makers and electoral candidates on issues that affect legislation. TPC aims to safeguard the efficacy of scientific fact, empirical research, and critical thinking… Continue Reading →
The following is the finalized version 1 of the TPC (Transhuman Policy Center) guidelines, the TPC is currently looking at paper submissions as well as policy strategy and road map planning. Let us know if you want to help… Continue Reading →
TRANSHUMANIST PARTY PRESS RELEASE NO TO BLANKET BANS ON GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS Why the Scottish ban on GM is bad for Scotland and the UK The recent announcement by MSP Richard Lochhead to ban the growing of Genetically Modified crops… Continue Reading →
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