With transhumanism becoming more prominent in the world, people are looking to see what this movement will bring to table. Fascinating gadgetry? Groundbreaking science? Perhaps it is both, but that shouldn’t be all. A transhumanist is someone who takes care… Continue Reading →
Since the movement has gained global attention from people like Ray Kurtzweil and Zoltan Istvan, transhumanism has been looked at with caution and fear. Even to the extreme of being called “one of the world’s most dangerous ideas” by Francis… Continue Reading →
One of the factors that make us human is our ability to question our very existence. It is this capability that allows us to use our advanced reasoning capabilities for the purpose of questioning our very existence. Even though we… Continue Reading →
“All confess that God is omnipotent; but it seems difficult to explain in what His omnipotence precisely consists: for there may be doubt as to the precise meaning of the word ‘all’ when we say that God can do all… Continue Reading →
Yes, this is correct. Zoltan Istvan has stated that he is running for presidential election in 2016. On Facebook, he has announced that a Transhumanist Party is being established with him being the party founder and potential 2016 Presidential candidate…. Continue Reading →
The following is an advertisement for a meeting of the Consensus, in London, on Saturday May 4th 2013. The Consensus is a political organization affiliated with Zero State, bringing futurist values and an emphasis on technology to the question of… Continue Reading →
Originally titled: “Who’s Your Daddy Now ?” All magical pantheons have become aspects of ourselves. We, like the Sun, do not die. Death, like night, is an illusion. Life is now seen as a process of continual growth and humanity… Continue Reading →
In what is perhaps the most absurd attack on transhumanism to date, Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com equates this broad philosophy and movement with “the entire idea that you can ‘upload your mind to a computer’” and further posits that the… Continue Reading →
The following questions were recently asked on the Doctrine Zero mailing list: What are our practical aims? What do we want the membership to do or help with? Where are we going? Having a structure and ideology is necessary, but… Continue Reading →
Overview: According to policymakers in the US, EU, Russia, and NATO, trends may bend in many potential directions, ranging from the rise of technologically empowered individuals; to an aging, more crowded, urbanized, and resource-stressed planet; to a more equal, interdependent,… Continue Reading →
It struck me the other day that many people hold two beliefs that are incompatible with one another. Those beliefs are the idea that people have a fundamental right to life, and the notion that everybody should earn a living…. Continue Reading →
There is a lot of dispute regarding human level artificial intelligence. Some critics think it will never happen. They compare super-intelligent AI to religious belief. Publishing Singularity critical articles shortly before a narrow-AI passed the Turing Test was exceptionally bad… Continue Reading →
Eradicating Poverty – worldwide – needs to be on the Transhumanist To-Do List. We need to utilize new technology and new ideas to alleviate the hunger, disease, malnutrition, and despair that are caused by poverty. We need to be philanthropic,… Continue Reading →
NASA has granted researchers $125,000 to further develop 3D-printed food. Such technology is said to be the potential solution for long-distance space exploration, as well as world hunger. Mechanical engineer Anjan Contractor, Senior Mechanical Engineer at Systems and Materials Research… Continue Reading →
As robots slowly become more capable, the realization that our relationship with work must undergo radical review is spreading. Mostly, thoughts turn to the link between jobs and wages. Proposals are put forward, such as the introduction of a guaranteed… Continue Reading →
Egalitarians believe inequity leads to a plethora of social ills. For example: 1. Inequity corrodes trust, community life, and social mobility 2. Inequity increases anxiety and excessive consumption 3. Inequity contributes to mental and physical illness, drug use, imprisonment, obesity, teen… Continue Reading →
Here is a question for transhumanists: What is the number one goal we should be pursuing? Judging by the essays and arguments put forward on the topic, it seems that most of us deem ‘achieve immortality’ as the top priority…. Continue Reading →
The success of Mobile Money Services (MMS) has led many Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) around the world to venture into offering similar products, thus making revenue streams within the mobile environment incredibly competitive. In Africa, the dwindling revenues in the… Continue Reading →
A few years ago I argued that rampant disparity in terms of affluence and poverty (or opportunity versus marginalization) in the world might be interpreted as an existential risk. In other words, a very large number of human beings might… Continue Reading →
This article was partially inspired by, and can be seen as a follow-up to, one of Rich Lee’s excellent articles. Near the end, he briefly describes one of his diabolical plots, in which he would set up an elaborate system… Continue Reading →
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