Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing technology that has the potential to revolutionize countless industries. However, recent decisions by the US Federal Copyright Office threaten to stifle progress and limit the power of AI. Specifically, the Copyright Office has… Continue Reading →
It may be anathema to say this, but I have not always been the biggest fan of democracy. The whole idea of one person having one vote struck me as extremely odd. How can one vote be equal to another?… Continue Reading →
It truly baffles me that Congress has decided to allocate such a large sum in the recent infrastructure bill towards local mass-transit systems. How is it not seen that ridesharing trumps mass-transit in every possible way (except in SOME cases,… Continue Reading →
When dealing with the issue of sentience in animals, it becomes important to ask: Where do we draw the line? Many of the animals we use for companionship are ones we would easily define as having sentience, but the… Continue Reading →
When thinking about the IAmTranshuman project I always end up thinking about policy and things that could be improved even in small ways to help society be more transhuman. For example one of the problems with democracy is that it… Continue Reading →
I realize that for many Transhumanists it is about what is right and what the best way forward is. (The majority of most humans mean well, including Transhumanists and virtually anyone else. There are, of course, a small minority that… Continue Reading →
ZS (the Zero State) is undergoing something of an overhaul this month, continuing the “reboot” process spanning this year. As part of that overhaul there was a brainstorming session in the “Cloud Nine” ZS subgroup yesterday, in which we decided… Continue Reading →
US President Donald Trump’s demands for a “Space Force” as a new branch of the US Armed Forces is contrary to international treaties and may also be part of the anachronistic desire for national dominance. However, military competition could be… Continue Reading →
In a previous article, I recently said: “I believe that our society is governed by Spectacle; which is to say the modern equivalent of “bread and circuses”, designed as an array of deliberately false choices between options that don’t matter,… Continue Reading →
Let’s take a moment to consider the world in the early 21st Century. Some things are better than they’ve ever been, and getting better all the time, while other very dangerous trends are moving rapidly in the opposite direction. Something… Continue Reading →
The Principles of Social Futurism define Social Futurism itself, which is a movement for Positive Social Change Through Technology. As such, Social Futurism represents the intersection of social, political, and economic concerns on the one hand, and technological issues on… Continue Reading →
Liberal Democracy, the Third Way, & Social Futurism 1.0 The Flaws of Liberal Democracy The developed nations of the Western world are currently characterised by a political-economic system typically referred to as “Liberal Democracy“*. Up until very recently,… Continue Reading →
1.0 Social Futurist Revolution We have recently seen increased interest in the issues of workplace automation, technological unemployment, and Basic Income Guarantee (AKA Universal Basic Income). Some observers have been perplexed by visceral and sharply divided public opinion, with people viewing… Continue Reading →
Futurist values and ideals are obviously not universally shared. Far from it; despite our ideas becoming much better known in technologically advanced societies over recent years. However, concepts such as Transhumanism, Intelligence Explosion, and even Technological Singularity are increasingly handled… Continue Reading →
(WSRDC, Azure) By decree of the Architect, The Foundation’s Contest has been superseded; in its place, a new more logical contest designed around allowing a wider audience and higher participation with less friction to participation and the crypto from the Foundation… Continue Reading →
Sustainable Design In the last installment of ‘Autognosis: Cities’ we discussed a theory of matching the growth curve of a city with that of an organism. In this installment, I would like to cover the idea of giving that city a nervous… Continue Reading →
7.6 billion people are living on Earth, and every one of them deserves equal political power. Transhuman Party (a new H+ organization) believes the future should be egalitarian, cooperative, inclusive, anti-hierarchal, motivated by egoless altruistic reform-seeking actions, with radical democracy and collective intelligence. Transhuman Party… Continue Reading →
Zoltan Istvan was a 2016 Presidential transhumanist candidate who actually ran as an individual (not as the Transhumanist Party candidate, because TP was never registered with the FEC – Federal Election Committee.) Despite the fraudulent past of the Transhumanist Party,… Continue Reading →
Newton Lee in partnership with Springer is working on an upcoming book covering transhumanist topics, one of the chapters covers IVA (Intelligence Value Argument) which is summary of the chapter titled: “The Intelligence Value Argument and Effects on Regulating Autonomous… Continue Reading →
EFTF and the EFTF Manual is a TNC (Transhuman National Committee) Fundraiser. Get Tickets Here for the Saturday March 11th in Provo, Utah: This is a work group that will be an all day workshop on the EFTF book and… Continue Reading →
Overall, the kind of thinking behind the aforementioned document released by IEEE (Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers) has a negative impact on the industry leading to increased fear and potentially slowing the development of critical technology that should be… Continue Reading →
While the Transhuman National Committee (TNC) has been working on the formation and legal structures to provide the TNC with the legal foundation for moving forward as well as the policy and platform development the board has done some research… Continue Reading →
On October 14-15, 2016, the NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness in conjunction with the NYU Center for Bioethics will host a conference on “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence”. Speakers and panelists will include: Nick Bostrom (Future of Humanity Institute), Meia Chita-Tegmark (Future of Life Institute), Mara… Continue Reading →
Basic Income Has Not Been Debunked David Rotman, via Technology Review (11 March 2016), described basic income as a “danger.” David Rotman wrote: “Eduardo Porter […] does an excellent job of debunking this utopian scenario.” On this occasion I won’t… Continue Reading →
IEET is co-sponsoring “Transhuman Debate 2.0” on April 2, 2016, from 12:30 – 4:00pm in Oakland, CA, at Octopus Literary Salon, 2101 Webster St, #170 – only 2 blocks from BART. HOW DOES CONSCIOUSNESS ARISE? (1:00 – 1:30) Andres Gomez… Continue Reading →
[Adopted by the 02016 TNC convention 27 Feb 02016] The following platform is the basis for the TNC’s transhumanist agenda that will be lobbied for in the United States by the TNC. Transhumanist Declaration Policy Plank The TNC starts with… Continue Reading →
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