the future of humanity now

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Genesis Code and Genetic Engineering

I was asked to evaluate the book “Genesis Code”, which according to Amazon the book can be summarized as thus: “Blue Magic, the latest designer drug linked to a rash of overdoses, might explain the needle mark on the arm… Continue Reading →

Species Crunch Time – A Possible Means of Resolution

The Most Exciting (and dangerous) Time There comes a time in the developmental history of every intelligent evolved species that requires a significant set of choices for the species to survive and thrive.   A species comes to this point when… Continue Reading →

Humanity+ UK & the (European) Transhumanist Party (opinion)

I have recently posted some thoughts on which movements and political parties would make good partners for Social Futurism, and at the same time have been thinking about the relationship between SF and the Transhumanist movement. We have already made… Continue Reading →

Thinkers lecture 2014 ‘money: its failure and its future’ (part two) (opinion)

INTRODUCTION In the last lecture, I talked about how the West may well be in the age of decadence, and devoted much of the talk in explaining how financial and monetary systems have been manipulated over the centuries to bring… Continue Reading →

Thinkers lecture 2014: Money: Its failure and its future (part one) (opinion)

MONEY: ITS FAILURE AND ITS FUTURE. PART ONE: ITS FAILURE. INTRODUCTION. Welcome to this year’s lecture, ‘Money: Its failure and its future’. Actually, it is two lectures this year. Part one will deal with money’s failure and part two will… Continue Reading →

Future Cities: Combined Advanced Technologies and Flexible Urban Infrastructures

Mapping the landscape for agile design The 20th century convinced us that the future has a linear trajectory that progresses incrementally – so that tomorrow is exactly like today – only a little bit different. Anything that deviates from this… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Physiology – Can We Fast Track?

Among the goals of transhumanism is the enhancement of the human body to a point that is advanced comfortably beyond the normal human mortal state. The majority of transhumans strive for potential immortality, meaning biologically eternal youth, health and wholeness… Continue Reading →

Ascension: ‘Simulation Hypothesis’ Mixed With Post-Humanity

[WARNING: Spoilers] In a plot that will force you to question both your sense of reality and humanity, new SyFy miniseries Ascension explores two of this century’s wildest ideas: the ‘Simulation Hypothesis’ and ‘Post-Humanity’. In the last year cable and… Continue Reading →

Synthetic Biology as an Open System for Architectural Design

We’re living in an age of synthetic biology where we can design and engineer organisms using life’s building blocks such as, fats, proteins, minerals and genetic code. This is a relatively new practice in science and we’re still trying to… Continue Reading →

Any Sufficiently Advanced Civilization is Indistinguishable from Nature

In Western cultures, nature is a cosmological, primal ordering force and a terrestrial condition that exists in the absence of human beings. Both meanings are freely implied in everyday conversation. We distinguish ourselves from the natural world by manipulating our… Continue Reading →

Helix: Death or Immortality via Biohacking?

[WARNING: Spoilers Ahead] In a plot that questions the depth of humanity and its limitations, the SyFy-aired TV series Helix left nowhere to breathe as it consistently challenged the next evolutionary steps us human beings will take via advanced technology:… Continue Reading →

Lawless Sustainability—new technology & innovative solutions for a sustainable future

The problem with sustainability is that it was designed by committee rather than springing from the loins of a mature design movement. It is a chimera that is retrofitted to suit industrial, technological and political parameters that are ‘branded’ as… Continue Reading →

Twenty-First Century Science

We are at an extremely exciting time where many changes have been accelerated through contemporary technological advances and worldwide communications systems. We are also faced with some very severe problems, many of which have been accelerated by our own success,… Continue Reading →

Bacteria “R” Us

There is a domain of creatures that diffusively encircles an entire planet. There are so many of them that they occupy every conceivable ecological niche. Yet, despite their countless numbers they are so in tune with their local ecology that… Continue Reading →

Self-Repairing Architecture

All buildings today have something in common: They are made using Victorian technologies. This involves blueprints, industrial manufacturing and construction using teams of workers. All this effort results in an inert object, which means there is a one–way transfer of… Continue Reading →

Maria Konovalenko’s Longevity Cookbook Project

It is commonplace to see the promotion of narrowly-focused, goal-oriented diets that claim to help you lose fat and gain six-pack abs, etc. There are many conflicting claims about the best diet for “everyone” based on dubious, or even unstated,… Continue Reading →

Natural City: ‘Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light’

In a plot that questions humanity from both a psychological and futurist angle, Natural City imbues the ancient innate drive to live long enough to conquer death once and for all. Taking place in a 2080 South Korea, Natural City… Continue Reading →

Lucy: Transhumanism Without Technology?

[WARNING: Spoilers Ahead] What can only be described as a mishmash of Neil Burger’s Limitless and Wally Pfister’s Transcendence, the latest science-fiction box office hit Lucy is a rollercoaster ride of pseudo-science and futurist ideals. Taking place in a modern… Continue Reading →

Diamond Based Quantum Computer POC Project Start

Project Status: Time to get volunteers and raise money, currently project assets are in process such as this site, a cloud based share and more. Overview: “We propose a profitable means of building a new space economy for the people… Continue Reading →

The New Grind (opinion)

There is a significant difference between wanting the future and working towards it. We are at a point where we are an increasingly design driven society. We’re in a feedback loop of building a narrative about what we want and… Continue Reading →

The Evolving Dynamic of Evil and Love

“I think it is no exaggeration to say we are on the cusp of the further perfection of extreme evil, an evil whose possibility spreads well beyond that which weapons of mass destruction bequeathed to the nation-states, on to a… Continue Reading →

Cyberlife Is Now Live

After a few weeks of hard work and dedication, Cyberlife is now completely available to the public. This new webzine will be primarily focused on showcasing the culture of transhumanism, a philosophical and scientific movement that has been gaining momentum… Continue Reading →

H+ Couture: AR Cosmetics and Oxygen Masks

I have always said that transhumanist fashion is focused around form and function. At times, this can be situational but is always dependent on the latest trends and the latest technological developments. Of course, necessity can be incorporated into style… Continue Reading →

Ushering in the Diamond Age of Quantum Computing

Abstract: A robust quantum computer could have been affordably built decades ago based on existing technologies. Diamond’s atomic structure is perfectly suited for the optical form of quantum computing. Proton beam lithography will convert areas below the surface of synthetic… Continue Reading →

The “Certificate in Transhumanism” – is back!

NOTE: This Certificate is no longer being Taught.  We are currently talking to other professors to possible teach a new version. and Brighter Brains Institute are co-hosting an exciting and unique Certificate in Transhumanism course. The course was first… Continue Reading →

Cyberlife: The New Periodical on the Block

Lately, there has been some buzzing around on TNet about a new website and some people have been intrigued with what is going on. Well, here’s the truth; we are. We have been working on an adjacent site that deals… Continue Reading →

Thoughts on Ethereum

Two days ago I attended a very interesting talk hosted by London Futurists, and presented by Stephan Tual, CCO of Ethereum. I find Ethereum extremely interesting, both out of my general interests in computing and decentralization, and also because Zero… Continue Reading →

Advantages of DMF optical computing over the D-wave Quantum Computing

A way to understand the huge and important advantages of DMF optical computing over the D-wave is to think of things this way:  Imagine the problems of building a D-wave into a computer brain that will allow robots to operate… Continue Reading →

How Safely Can You Practice DIY Drugs?

The demand is rising for enhancement technologies. An article at Forbes argues the market is ripe for a means of cognitive augmentation, hypothesizing “IQ” as the next trillion dollar business. And culturally, more are becoming comfortable with the idea of… Continue Reading →

Researchers, Ahoy! Should Futurist Science Move… Offshore?

What is the likelihood of seeing research vessels devoted to scientific research outside the bounds of national jurisdiction? The idea of relocating for the sake of circumventing law, in particular the notion of establishing new nations in international waters, is… Continue Reading →

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