the future of humanity now

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Have you heard? Robots are coming and they are going to steal our jobs! I expect you have heard rumors to that effect, because the tech news seems positively awash with reports of automation replacing shop assistants, cooks, and much… Continue Reading →

Deneb IV Chronicles, Part 1 (SciFi)

“In my mind ‘Science Fiction’ is an important part of the process of visualizing possible futures thus helping shape that future building process.  As such especially hard fact based science fiction is important to the process of futurism and for… Continue Reading →

Transhumanist Party (UK) membership open

The Transhumanist Party wants YOU! The Transhumanist Party is a new political organization in the UK, part of a network of similar groups around the world, committed to positive social change through technology. Transhumanism is the idea that we must… Continue Reading →

Biological Machines

National Review published an article stating artificially intelligent computers would merely be machines. The author of the article doesn’t realise how biotech-synbio shows us DNA is a machine. Humans and all other biological life-forms are machines, which is why bio-engineers… Continue Reading →

Design Agency Offering Mindfile Support Program as an Employee Benefit

The new engineered design experience firm “Interact” ( ) whose CEO is an adamant Transhumanist (@DavidJKelley – , ) has elected to offer Mindfile support and archiving for employees. One of Interacts key tenants is, “our employee’s or… Continue Reading →

Transhumanist “Speakers Bureau” – Assembling Our Visionary Team

Brighter Brains Institute (BBI) is compiling an excellent lineup of lecturers on futurist / transhumanist topics, in our new “HUB” section, designed by “Techno-Optimist” web designer, Kevin Russell. The majority of our featured speakers delivered excellent presentations at our 2014… Continue Reading →

Indefinite Life Extension Activists Organize Online Demonstration

The Movement for Indefinite Life Extension (MILE) is organizing an online demonstration to support life extension technologies and awareness. The Movement for Indefinite Life Extension (MILE) is organizing an online demonstration to support life extension technologies and awareness. The event… Continue Reading → comes out of the closet as ‘Transhumanist’

The Seattle based design agency ‘INTERACT’ ( (a design agency focused on AR and wearable’s) has come out of the closet as an openly Transhumanist company. What does that mean? Really, that comes down to the philosophy of the founders;… Continue Reading →

“Transhuman Strategies” conference March 21 in Silicon Valley

What are the Transhuman Goals in the near future? How can these Transhuman ideas permeate the mainstream? Are there ways Transhumanism can assert itself in the political sphere? How can Transhumanist ideas and innovations create a better world now, for… Continue Reading →

Biological Machines

National Review published an article stating artificially intelligent computers would merely be machines. The author of the article doesn’t realize how biotech/syn-bio shows us DNA is a machine. Humans and all other biological life-forms are machines, which is why bio-engineers… Continue Reading →

The Moral Philosophy of Transhumanism

Transhumanism is an increasingly popular philosophical movement, and that increasing popularity can sometimes lead to a degree of confusion among newer adherents about what its necessary features are. In my opinion the only common basis to Transhumanism, coined by Anders… Continue Reading →

Mitochondrially Targeted Antioxidant SS-31 Reverses Some Measures of Aging in Muscle

Antioxidants of the sort you can buy at the store and consume are pretty much useless: the evidence shows us that they do nothing for health, and may even work to block some beneficial mechanisms. Targeting antioxidant compounds to the… Continue Reading →

Tales From the Future (closer then you think)

Part of what I do is look at where the future is going in the technology space,  if your interested you might reference this article on future technology trends () but the bottom line is that my job is in… Continue Reading →

Seasteading Institute Reality TV Show

If its one thing that I appreciate is real work action and results, not all this internet talk… when it comes to the real world the Seasteading Institute is actually doing something.  please check it out and help where you… Continue Reading →

Conceptual Nanomedical Lipofuscin Removal Strategy

Lipofuscin is a waxy heterogeneous substance that is comprised of aggregates of metabolic cellular waste end products, which reside within the lysosomes and cytosols of particular types of human cells. This substance can neither be degraded further via the typical… Continue Reading →

Transhumanism and Money

Money is at the very center of how human beings communicate with one another in complex societies and yet it is almost completely ignored in all private k-12 education in the united states and most nations. Money isn’t economics, Money… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Design – Experience Focused Engineering

Transhuman Design IS ‘Experience Focused Engineering’. Why? Admittedly, I’m coining this definition or phraseology; but it goes to what I do for a living and helps explain that to people outside the field. Further, this definition quantifies a philosophical approach… Continue Reading →

Interview with an AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

I was thinking about ideas for an article on my train ride home from the experience lab I work in, and it came to me that it would be interesting to actually have an interview with an AI only a… Continue Reading →

Advances in Telomere Research and Testing

Telomeres are hot. Their discovery won three scientists a 2009 Nobel Prize, and late last month they scored Titia de Lange of Rockefeller University one of the $3M inaugural Breakthrough Prizes. Telomeres are becoming just as hot in the news… Continue Reading →

Zero State in under 60 seconds

So, what is Zero State? Well, we grew out of a dissatisfaction with modern Transhumanism which is too narrowly focused, passive and generally ignores the major cultural determinants in the world, most notably art, religion and politics as well as… Continue Reading →

Butylated hydroxytoluene, BHT

This author chose Butylated hydroxytoluene, BHT, to write about because it is an antioxidant and also possesses antiviral, antimicrobial, properties: thus as it is available at low cost it could offer a double bang for the buck. But then, as… Continue Reading →

Defining Innovation: Some “innoflating” considerations..

I’ve been discussing * – and thinking about – innovation lately… [ * read Challenges from Social-Democrat Denmark  ] Before you read what I’ve got so far, I’d like to make one thing clear: Politically, I am a Social-Liberal, – (“Liberal”, as in Libertarian, mind… Continue Reading →

Vital Risky-Rebellious Artificial Intelligence

Various AI institutes-groups (FHI, FLI, MIRI, CSER, etc) want to ensure AI is safe. Safety regarding intelligence is actually very dangerous. Intelligence based upon oppressive control, regarding who has the smartest ideas, is a very perilous corruption of intelligence. Merit… Continue Reading →

Vegetarians Live Longer, Happier Lives…?

According to the largest study of vegetarian and vegans to date: Vegetarians live on average almost eight years longer. This conclusion correlates with findings in the study below, followed by the explanatory video: “By the 1970s, the mortality rate from… Continue Reading →

Did the Universe Evolve the “Blue Brain Project” to Become Aware of Itself ?

For those of you who are not familiar with this fascinating project, and should you think to yourself: What the heck is a “Blue Brain,”  here’s a very short introduction: It is an attempt to create a virtual brain in… Continue Reading →

Another Review: The Transhumanist Wager

The few books I read tend to circle around values. Two such books, among the very best I’ve ever read, are Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, and We by Yevgeny Zamyatin. Just yesterday, I finished reading… Continue Reading →

To Have ALL, Give ALL to All

To Have ALL, give ALL to all. What on earth can this mean? How can we have everything if we give everything away? Is that what the above actually says? Is to give to be without that which was given?… Continue Reading →

Freedom of Speech and Freedom to Dialog and our Transhumanist Duties (opinion)

I try hard to stay out of politics and religion … AND more importantly geo politics mixed with radicalism and illogic. One principal that I believe in, as a Transhumanist, is the right to express ones self w/o risk to life,… Continue Reading →

We have always been “Transhumanists” – Yearning for Transcendence

Human beings have yearned to transcend the pains and limitations of their condition since far back in prehistoric times.  We have yearned to be free of sickness, aging, and death.  Yearned to have an abundance of all good and necessary… Continue Reading →

Strategies for Raising Children and Preserving Deep Thinking Skills

Having and raising children is a critical part of the propagation of the species. Until Immortality or other reproductive options are realized, or otherwise finally engineered, it is critical to our long term survival. Children are therefore our most important… Continue Reading →

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