the future of humanity now

Tag AR

Reshaping The Future Of Education

The future of education completely changed after last year with the Covid-19 pandemic. The sector was on a sure path of introducing new technologies, but the walk just became shorter. Here are some technologies that will make an impact.  Virtual… Continue Reading →

Youth Mixed Reality Development

October 9th, 2019 marks the official announcement of another program produced by Chronos Global Academy: CGA Youth Mixed Reality Development. This program is designed for ages 8 through 15, which is an age group Chronos did not serve before. Now… Continue Reading →

ZS2.0: The Zero State Reboot [3/3]

This is the third and final part in my last article series outlining Zero State (ZS) ideas. You can find Part 1 here, and Part 2 here. This series outlines our transition from establishing a firm theoretical basis to an… Continue Reading →

How AI Will Make Our Roads Safer

Road safety is still a major issue in the US, as the number of road accidents have barely decreased over the last 12 months. The National Safety Council estimated that 40,100 vehicle fatalities occurred in 2017, which isn’t much of an… Continue Reading →

Special Episode 7 – AR/VR Technologies

In this special edition: We are focused on all things related to AR/VR/MR/XR and other variations on a theme. This all started with this telegraph post on magic leap goggles failing to live upto the hype… what is AR/VR/MR/XR?… Continue Reading →

Alternate Reality Games as Cybernetic Organisms

This article is part of a series on Alternate Reality Gaming (ARG), particularly as it relates to cutting-edge computing technologies. Previous articles (here and here) set out the starting point for this series, which is the idea that while the… Continue Reading →

EFTF Attendee’s will become named authors of the Extreme Futures Technology and Forecasting Journal 2016 edition

At the upcoming EFTF being used to raise funds for the TNC and creating a transhuman political lobby in DC we are adding a new feature to the EFTF even that includes creating a book. So that means EFTF Attendee’s… Continue Reading →

Extreme Future Tech Fest Summer 2016 – Call for Speakers and Papers

EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →

Virtual Reality meets NASA

Space is an absolute dream for many of us. Very few countries have a Space program. In the countries that do, very few people ever become astronauts or cosmonauts. Those who do become astronauts, few get the opportunity to go… Continue Reading →

AI, Mixed Reality and the New Software Design Landscape

Based on the very positive feedback after this talk was presented at Microsoft, I decided to create a series “Creative Coding in Unity” tutorials which should begin going online at April 2016. An age of more personal computing is… Continue Reading →

Live Streaming – EFTF Winter 02016

EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →

VR: It’s More Than Just Games

Flying cars. Hotels in space. Robotic sexual partners. Some technologies seem destined to remain vaporware: Great ideas in theory which never seem to become practical, widespread products. But next year could be the year in which we tick at least… Continue Reading →

Superhuman Terminator-like Vision Could Be Coming Soon

Google X has made a recent announcement in which they state a new way of viewing the world is coming soon. According to the ExtremeTech  blog post Google has invented a new smart contact lens with an integrated camera. The camera… Continue Reading →

Gloveone Is Bringing Touch To VR

Although the Oculus Rift, the most greatly anticipated virtuality headset still seems many months away from releasing to consumers, there’s no stopping startups from innovating the VR experience by creating new products that are making the experience seem all more real…. Continue Reading →

Virtual Unreality

Imagine, a life fully immersed inside a computer game where our every desire is fulfilled, and the suffering of reality is absent. One day, we may decide that a virtual existence is a more appealing option than the real world… Continue Reading →

Why AR (Augmented Reality) Will Be Big…

So this is an article originally posted on my blog based on my work as a CTO setting corporate strategy that has a lot of research behind it that I can’t publish due to work restrictions. that being said, you… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Kickstarter: Augmented Reality, Spell the Game and the Foundation

I’ve spent the last almost 20 years building a career in corporate America with the goal of getting to the point of having enough resources and industry standing to do something worthwhile and contribute to society or rather to the… Continue Reading →

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