the future of humanity now

Tag transhuman

With Victory in Our Spirit – crowdfunding another life extension research activism opportunity

One of the main reasons for driving as many supporters as possible together at the movement for indefinite life extension page , is so that we have more potential to act as a larger united front. Doing this in these… Continue Reading →

Critical Topics and Focus Survey (TPC)

The mission of the Transhumanist Policy Center (TPC) is to provide nonpartisan guidance to the public, policy makers and electoral candidates on issues that affect legislation. TPC aims to safeguard the efficacy of scientific fact, empirical research, and critical thinking… Continue Reading →

Policy Center Staff Appointments (press)

Pending formal/legal organization, the Foundation Board of Directors is appointing the following individuals to roles within the organization for assessments of white papers; relating to policy issues that will focus on Policy Center activities to drive sound policy on key… Continue Reading →

Descartes vs. The Future (opinion)

The human race is rocketing toward an unknown future, every second of every day. As time passes, we as a species push ourselves to not only keep up with all of the changes that passing time brings, but we also… Continue Reading →

“The Future of Politics” Conference

The Brighter Brains Institute is cosponsoring (with Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technology) a conference on October 18, at Humanist Hall, in Oakland. The event will take place on a Sunday from 10:30am- 6:00 pm. Lunch will be served, Parking… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Policy Center Request for Papers

With the mission of the TPC (Transhuman Policy Center) being to provide nonpartisan guidance to the public, policy makers and electoral candidates on issues that affect legislation, we need help from the transhumanist community to help articulate some of the… Continue Reading →

Pushing the Boundaries: Transhumanism and the next 25 Years

Transhumanism is a relatively new philosophy that believes in the possibility of humans and technology merging to the point of being indistinguishable from one another. Through technology, humans will be able to transcend the current limitations we all have in… Continue Reading →

Life Extension Advocacy Foundation Launches

New Crowdfunding Platform Bridges Longevity and Aging Researchers with Public Support NEW YORK, Aug. 26, 2015 — The Life Extension Advocacy Foundation (LEAF) officially launches, an online platform designed to bridge the gap between longevity researchers and the public… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Policy Center Guidelines

The following is the finalized version 1 of the TPC (Transhuman Policy Center) guidelines, the TPC is currently looking at paper submissions as well as policy strategy and road map planning.  Let us know if you want to help… Continue Reading →

NO to blanket bans on Genetically Modified crops (press)

TRANSHUMANIST PARTY PRESS RELEASE NO TO BLANKET BANS ON GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS Why the Scottish ban on GM is bad for Scotland and the UK The recent announcement by MSP Richard Lochhead to ban the growing of Genetically Modified crops… Continue Reading →

Opening of the Transhuman Policy Center (press) in partnership with the ‘Foundation’ have agreed upon a joint venture to create a Transhuman Policy Center.  The Transhuman Policy Center is for now a ‘virtual’ think tank focusing on ‘Policies’ as they are applied to Politics; including the… Continue Reading →

Dissecting the Scientists’ Call to Ban Autonomous Lethal Robots

The last six months has seen a rising flood of publicity about “killer robots” and autonomy in weapons systems.  On November 19, 2012, Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a 50-page report “Losing Humanity: The Case against Killer Robots” outlining concerns… Continue Reading →

GMOs: The Future Of Food

For several months now, I’ve wanted to put together a post talking about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), and particularly in the context of food. I’ve had several debates with my friends – I tend toward the pro-GMO camp and several… Continue Reading →

How Should the Concept of God Evolve in the Future?

According to the Wikipedia entry on “major religious groups”, 85% of the world’s population subscribes to some kind of religion. While in reality the world is obviously not divided neatly into “religious” and “non-religious”, and while religion and theism are… Continue Reading →


In the last week, a hundred million people devoted themselves to work of all kinds. Some of it was menial and repetitive; some of it required sophisticated analysis and team building. There were people buying and selling, people inventing, and… Continue Reading →

Digital Nootropics

You are tired, anxious and stressed, and perhaps suffer from a mild headache. Instead of reaching for a pack from Boots, you put on a fashionable “smarthat” (a neat variation of an “electrocap” with a comfortable 10-20 scheme placement for both… Continue Reading →

Technology Can Make You Happier

How the Information Age Can make us Healthier, Happier Human Beings  Technology by itself does not represent a moral good or negative. Rather, it presents greater opportunity – more options – for people to make use of it in one… Continue Reading →

Existential Risk Threatens Human Immortality

Deadly environmental pollution has become an existential risk that threatens the prospect not just for human immortality, but for the long-term survival of our species and a great many others. Here we will focus on the nuclear waste aspect of… Continue Reading →

Extreme Futures Tech Fest – Fall 2015 in partnership with The Foundation Saturday, October 17, 2015 from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM (PDT) Redmond, WA   Extreme Futures Tech Fest – Fall 2015 EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech… Continue Reading →

C. S. Lewis Denounced Transhumanism in 1945

“Dreams of the far future destiny of man were dragging up from its shallow and unquiet grave the old dream of man as god…” – C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength, 1945 The fact that a technocratic system of government is… Continue Reading →

Emergence, Reduction & Artificial Intelligence

The concept of emergence is controversial to some – for example Eliezer Yudkowski, who favors reductionism, wrote a critique at Less Wrong (see link below).  Do reductionists often dismiss emergence? Ben formalized emergence in his book ‘The Evolving Mind’ as… Continue Reading → Endorses Zoltan’s campaign for US President

Ok, yes some of the ideas in some of Zoltan’s articles and his book may be some what ‘controversial’; but lets be real… There is no reality in this world, at this time that Zoltan will win the presidency of… Continue Reading →

VR: It’s More Than Just Games

Flying cars. Hotels in space. Robotic sexual partners. Some technologies seem destined to remain vaporware: Great ideas in theory which never seem to become practical, widespread products. But next year could be the year in which we tick at least… Continue Reading →

For Life’s Sake, Join the Movement for Indefinite Life Extension

There are many groups working toward indefinite life extension. They put in a lot of work and lead the way down the paths toward the goal. All of them have one thing in common: they are part of the overall… Continue Reading →

A Transhumanism of Ethics (opinion)

While still a pretty unknown tendency in Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries (where atheist humanism just recently has started to troll the consensus culture), transhumanism is a growing current in the Anglo-Saxon world. Rather than an outright ideology, I… Continue Reading →

From Human to Transhuman

There is no greater harm to philosophical discourse than to reduce it to its history, incapable of seeing it as constant exploration.  Maybe philosophical  anthropology  could be a good example, as it looks more like a type of theoretical cemetery than the vibrant… Continue Reading →

Superhuman Terminator-like Vision Could Be Coming Soon

Google X has made a recent announcement in which they state a new way of viewing the world is coming soon. According to the ExtremeTech  blog post Google has invented a new smart contact lens with an integrated camera. The camera… Continue Reading →

Where the Human Ends & the Machine Begins: Getting ‘Unclearer’…

Cyborg Stuff There’s an interesting piece over at NYT – The Dilemma of Being a Cyborg. I’m not entirely sure what the dilemma is, but cyborg stuff is no small deal here at Anthrobotic, so it merits some consideration. Here… Continue Reading →

Don’t mistake elections for political change!

I felt moved to write this post after seeing an article about the futility of Transhumanists standing in elections. As it happens I have already written a chapter addressing questions of strategy for the developing Transhumanist Party, but thought I’d… Continue Reading →

Coevolution & The Technology of Desire

A few years ago, the first emotional robot pet hit the market.  Designed by the co-inventor of Furby, Pleo the Dinosaur is an adorable little beast, big eyes and feet, curious and playful and a little awkward… just like a baby… Continue Reading →

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