the future of humanity now

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High School Kids Discover Tritium Production Method Using Home Made Fusion Deuterium Reactor

(Federal Way, WA) Three high school children reporting were able to create detectable amounts of Tritium (a nuclear isotope of hydrogen see wiki) using a home built deuterium fusion reactor in the basement of someone’s house.  The science club that… Continue Reading →

[press] Startup Societies Summit

Startup Societies Summit – July 1-3, 2016 –  Tech Entrepreneurs, Policy Makers, Economists, and more to gather in Portsmouth New Hampshire over the summer to discuss new societies. The Startup Societies Summit is the world’s first ever conference to discuss the… Continue Reading →

Upload Lives Matter… Or Else.

A long-time science fiction riff which may be on the verge of becoming reality is the idea of the Copy, which is to say the digital emulation of a human mind. The viability of that idea is still debatable, largely… Continue Reading →

We Need To Talk About Crypto

In a recent article I pointed out the suitability of cryptocurrency (CC) as an economic mechanism for modern networked societies, but also listed problems which must be addressed before CC can be truly viable as a currency per se. Any… Continue Reading →

Transhuman House Donation – Voyager Golden Record

(Provo, UT) A recent donation to the Foundation Library and the Transhuman House is a copy of the Golden Record created for and is currently on the Voyager Spacecraft rapidly speeding into interstellar space.  The new framed addition to the… Continue Reading →

The Architect Is Coming For You – the After Math… (ARG)

(Provo, Utah) (ZS ARG) It appears that in a brief clash between employees at AI systems controlled by the Architect at the Artificial Intelligence Lab on campus that there is one confirmed dead and virtually all the employees are now… Continue Reading →

Concrete Transhumanism – An Overview of Emerging Instantiations and the Transhuman Present Project

Transhumanism is a philosophy of lofty aspirations and universally applicable substance. Yet, when articulated at its usual level of abstraction, it is often misunderstood, especially if commonplace cultural connotations, myths, and fears from popular fiction inject nefarious undertones into what… Continue Reading →

Simulated News and Techno-Tribalism

We have reached a point in the early 21st Century at which media cannot be assumed to directly represent reality. This is both true in the general and older sense that we may distrust any narrative, but more importantly it is also now… Continue Reading →

TechGnosis: Reality Hacking for Fun & Profit

Metric Media recently published an article called “Burning Houses & Gaming the Future”, which explored the utility of game logic in helping people achieve real goals in our increasingly technological society. Now we are going to take that exploration a… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Gamification and Writing Contest

(WSRDC, Azure) By decree of the Architect, The Foundation’s Contest has been superseded; in its place, a new more logical contest designed around allowing a wider audience and higher participation with less friction to participation and the crypto from the Foundation… Continue Reading →

Gamified Transhumanism? The Foundation, The Hunt, and The Cash – Can a well financed Role Playing approach improve involvement in important causes?

Recently there was a post to by a group that refers to itself as ‘the foundation’. The post, (linked here: ) suggests a game to be played at a conference taking place from the 9th to the 12th of January… Continue Reading →

Catch Foundation Agents at CES 2018 and Win $5,000.00 USD

(Las Vegas, NV, USA – Jan 2018) The Foundation has announced that there will be two agents on the floor of CES 2018 (The Consumer Electronics Show), the largest such conference in the world… The first person to spot both… Continue Reading →

Free Stuff – Evidence of an Emerging Possible Post Scarcity Economy

(Seattle, Wa) I was talking to my wife on my last trip to Seattle and found that she and my children had picked up a new hobby.  ‘Free Stuff’ that is, there is this new project called the ‘buy nothing… Continue Reading →

Artificial Intelligence Driven News Show Leak (press)

(Provo, UT) An employee of Metric.Media (a Machine Learning Digital Advertising Firm) leaked to us that they have been building a video production studio to produce a new ‘news’ show called: “The Technocracy”.  Apparently in conjunction with the Artificial General Intelligence… Continue Reading →

Burning Houses & Gaming the Future

Back in the distant, hazy days of 1998, Futurist Douglas Rushkoff published a book called “Playing the Future” (published in the UK as “Children of Chaos”). The book’s central thesis was that people born in the late 20th Century and early… Continue Reading →

Autognosis: Cities 3 (part 4)

Grid Scale Energy Storage So far in Autognosis: Cities we’ve discussed how growth curves of cities could be brought into alignment with other life forms, how a city could be fitted with a smart grid which behaves functionally like a nervous system,… Continue Reading →

Autognosis: Cities 2 (part 3)

Sustainable Design In the last installment of ‘Autognosis: Cities’  we discussed a theory of matching the growth curve of a city with that of an organism.  In this installment, I would like to cover the idea of giving that city a nervous… Continue Reading →

Killer AI, Black Mirrors, & Murphy’s Law

Debate over the risk and promise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other technologies can be depressingly simplistic, often polarised into two camps with views that are extreme to the point of caricature. On the one hand we have those whose… Continue Reading →

Autognosis: Cities 1 (Sustainable Cities)(Part 2)

’Cities are the Crucible of civilization’.  So said Geoffrey West, a professor studying the General Scaling Phenomenon of the natural habitat of the modern human – cities.  Geoffrey has spent his career developing the underlying mathematical principals and generalizations for cities so… Continue Reading →

Building AGI Powered Killer Drones 101

Note:  Do NOT try this at home.  This is not a “how-to”.  Building these could (hopefully) get you arrested . . . . . . but it’s only a matter of time before they WILL be abused.  Our saving grace… Continue Reading →

MIT’s Deep Empathy: Emotional Manipulation for Social Good Sets a Bad Precedent

In the right hands, can AI be used as a tool to engender empathy?  Can algorithms learn what makes us feel more empathic toward people who are different from us? And if so, can they help convince us to act… Continue Reading →

Foundation Underwrites ZeroState ARG Game (Press)

(London UK)  The Pratoriate Foundation seems to have quietly agreed to fund the ZeroState (ZS) ARG (Alternative Reality Game).  According to Foundation sources, the ZeroState ARG aligns with the Foundation on a number of points and that the funding is part… Continue Reading →

Big Data Knows You, Better Than You Do

No Such Thing As A Free Meal There are always strings attached, they say. Perhaps this is nowhere more true than in the human mind, which believes itself to be in charge of its own conscious decisions when evidence frequently… Continue Reading →

Futurist Dr. M Amon Twyman Joins Metric.Media

(London, UK; Provo, Ut) Earlier today a Provo, Utah based company announced they have brought on prominent futurist Dr. M. Amon Twyman as part of their media strategy.  From there website: “One of the key goals this coming year for… Continue Reading →

AI Transcends Human Cognitive Bias

What Is Human Cognitive Bias? When humans make intuitive judgments, they often make errors that don’t seem to make a lot of sense. The errors matter because they’re systematic, occurring again and again under similar circumstances. For example, people tend… Continue Reading →

Artificial Consciousness and Hybrid Society

Artificial Intelligence, and Artificial Consciousness Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field which has historically focussed on narrow domains; i.e. machines and software that do specific things well, but which can’t do much else. Recently, as the availability of computational power… Continue Reading →


Society and Artificial Intelligence: a Deep-Dive Series. Introduction Like many techies, people who’ve used these these rectangular objects called ‘computers’, or anyone who’s seen any sci-fi movie since the 80’s, I have been interested in Artificial Intelligence for a long… Continue Reading →

Transhuman House Update: South American Biotopic System Reproducing

One of the new displays that was set up at the new ‘Transhuman House 2.0’ is a South American Biotope.  A “Biotope” is a complete ecosystem and in this case, it means no chemical filtration and replicates a bit of a real… Continue Reading →

50PH14: Slaughterbots & Fear-mongering vs. Useful Action

So . . . . the Elon Musk anti-AI hype cycle has started up again. Elon Musk, Warren G, and Nate Dogg: It’s Time to ‘Regulate’ A.I. Like Drugs Worse, we have the Stuart Russell’s movie, Slaughterbots. screen-grab from Slaughterbots Actually,… Continue Reading →

Year’s Best Transhuman SF 2017 Anthology

MISSISSIPPI, November 30th, 2017: C.P. Dunphey, critically acclaimed author of Plane Walker and editor of the bestselling Year’s Best Body Horror 2017 Anthology and Hinnom Magazine¸ has collected 25+ stories from the best up-and-coming authors in science fiction for Gehenna… Continue Reading →

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