I’m not going to try to convince you that the foreseeable future is a wondrous place: either you accept the implications of the present rate of technological progress towards everything allowed by the laws of physics, in which case you’ve probably… Continue Reading →
The human brain is a fascinating organ, and it accounts for much of the distinction between human beings and other life forms. Interesting questions regarding the brain arise. For example, why is it that, in the early stages of human… Continue Reading →
This week we talk to artist, musician, and community organizer Violet Luxton, who works and lives at the intersection of Indigenous wisdom traditions and Indigenous rights movements, #LandBack and #BlackLivesMatter, afro-futurism, yoga, and visionary biotechnological speculation. In a conversation far… Continue Reading →
On May 8th, 2021, learn from some of the world’s best biohacking minds how to live better, starting at the cellular level LEARN PRACTICAL METHODS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR DAILY LIFE FOR THE BETTER. This one-day event has something for… Continue Reading →
The future of education completely changed after last year with the Covid-19 pandemic. The sector was on a sure path of introducing new technologies, but the walk just became shorter. Here are some technologies that will make an impact. Virtual… Continue Reading →
The Members H+ Academy is developed to provide a way for members to exchange ideas and collaborate on projects. Round Table discussions featuring world-leading thinkers discussing the most immediate issues will be recorded and available on our YouTube channel. We… Continue Reading →
October 9th, 2019 marks the official announcement of another program produced by Chronos Global Academy: CGA Youth Mixed Reality Development. This program is designed for ages 8 through 15, which is an age group Chronos did not serve before. Now… Continue Reading →
Startup Societies Summit – July 1-3, 2016 – Tech Entrepreneurs, Policy Makers, Economists, and more to gather in Portsmouth New Hampshire over the summer to discuss new societies. The Startup Societies Summit is the world’s first ever conference to discuss the… Continue Reading →
One of the new displays that was set up at the new ‘Transhuman House 2.0’ is a South American Biotope. A “Biotope” is a complete ecosystem and in this case, it means no chemical filtration and replicates a bit of a real… Continue Reading →
Introduction Throughout the European and wider western world, tribalism is once again emerging, through the lens of mainstream xenophobic parties, CounterJihad activism, the emergent Alt-Right and outright militant neo-Nazis. This phenomenon is however not only confined to the western world… Continue Reading →
This initial version of the house is about learning what works, whats new and bringing resources together, building experiences and otherwise move the various transhuman projects forward and the Foundation’s vision for the future. From local organizations such as the… Continue Reading →
EFTF and the EFTF Manual is a TNC (Transhuman National Committee) Fundraiser. Get Tickets Here for the Saturday March 11th in Provo, Utah: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/extreme-futures-and-technology-forecasting-work-group-winter-2017-tickets-28855253841 This is a work group that will be an all day workshop on the EFTF book and… Continue Reading →
Whether it be a hoverboard from Back to the Future, some top of the range memory loss tools from MIB or, of course, a lightsaber from Star Wars, all of us have watched a movie and truly wished the wonderful… Continue Reading →
“A Logical Argument for Faith In God” The New God Argument [1] (NGA) purports to be a logical argument for faith in God. It was created by Lincoln Cannon, the founder of The Mormon Transhumanist Association. The NGA owes much to a… Continue Reading →
IEET Managing Director and T.Net Affiliate Scholar Steven Umbrello has entered a photo competition in order to be entered to win a scholarship for his graduate studies. In order to help him make the shortlist you can follow the link… Continue Reading →
CNN’S COURAGEOUS BRAND STUDIO TO PRODUCE CONFERENCE ON HUMAN AUGMENTATION: HUMAN BY DESIGN Square Enix aligns with first-of-its-kind event to explore the intersection of technology and humanity at the Paley Center for Media in August 2016 NEW YORK – June… Continue Reading →
Help us send students to the Exosphere or sign up your self. donate here: DONATE The Exosphere Academy program is both about gaining skills while simultaneously exchanging experiences, knowledge, working and collaborating with participants from around the world looking to do… Continue Reading →
EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →
Space is an absolute dream for many of us. Very few countries have a Space program. In the countries that do, very few people ever become astronauts or cosmonauts. Those who do become astronauts, few get the opportunity to go… Continue Reading →
Open access to Tools and Technology by Gabriel Licina presented by the Extreme Futures Tech Fest – Winter 2016. Open access to tool and advancing technology is key to moving technology forward. the Restrictions we have in the industry currently… Continue Reading →
Extreme Futures Tech Fest (Winter 2016) Presents Kati Rissanen on ‘Envisioning the Future of Technology. check out the latest EFTF coming up on May 14th: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/extreme-futures-technology-fest-spring-2016-tickets-23741229657
EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →
Now you don’t normally see ‘book’ reviews on Transhumanity.net and further probably not ‘children’s’ book reviews and in fact now that I think about it this is only the second time ever. What is cool is that now there is… Continue Reading →
“The burning desire to press forward in the face of all opposition, limitless curiosity for learning, the ability to adapt, and the will to shape the world for the better— these are the essential traits of the entrepreneur. In our… Continue Reading →
The following is the finalized version 1 of the TPC (Transhuman Policy Center) guidelines, the TPC is currently looking at paper submissions as well as policy strategy and road map planning. Let us know if you want to help admin@transhumanity.net… Continue Reading →
If the title of this blog [Editorial note: referring to Daniels Blog not t.net] struck you as brash, I came by it honestly: it’s the title of a terrific new paper by three NYU researchers (Protzko, Aronson & Blair, 2013). The… Continue Reading →
Fairy tale immortality, whereby you drink an elixir and there, you’re indestructible, is a fool’s errand. It comes from a simplistic and sometimes anthropomorphic view of death: picturing it as a man who takes souls, who you can somehow evade… Continue Reading →
Having and raising children is a critical part of the propagation of the species. Until Immortality or other reproductive options are realized, or otherwise finally engineered, it is critical to our long term survival. Children are therefore our most important… Continue Reading →
Transhumanist organizations and writers are collaborating with religious and humanitarian groups to feed, educate and make self-sufficient twenty children at a “boarding school” (orphanage) in Jinja, the second-largest city in Uganda. The school is called “COISER” (Community Intiative for Self… Continue Reading →
Have you ever been in public, sitting and looking at those around you when you realize everyone around you is all looking at their phones? IPhones, Android maybe a black berry or a windows phone now and then, and now… Continue Reading →
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