Having achieved the aim of this treatise, a truly civilized society, it seems only fitting that it now proceeds to disprove it. Such is long overdue in fact, as much of this text is generalized, axiomatic and empirical; civilization, labour,… Continue Reading →
One third of American adolescents are on medication – half of that number, on psychoactive prescriptions. We have an educational system that not only can’t prepare young people for the rapidly evolving future world we’re creating for them to inhabit – it… Continue Reading →
Lydia Violet Harutoonian is a badass Armenian-American violinist and folktronica artist who has played with some of today’s juiciest crossover acts, including Rising Appalachia and The Polish Ambassador, in addition to launching her own solo project this year. She also… Continue Reading →
Despite this apparent and hypothetical success, Transhumanism is still susceptible to failure on certain grounds; for instance, one has made several assumptions, such as a majority of citizens accepting augmentations in pursuit of civilization. This assumption is fundamentally flawed in… Continue Reading →
Previously, one established the failures of human faculties as such concerns as lack of sustenance, wellbeing, intelligence, autonomy and productivity, either causing or caused by each other, and resulting in uncivilization. Augmentation of human faculties, physical, mental and/or autonomous, aims… Continue Reading →
US President Donald Trump’s demands for a “Space Force” as a new branch of the US Armed Forces is contrary to international treaties and may also be part of the anachronistic desire for national dominance. However, military competition could be… Continue Reading →
At the Heart of Intelligence is an emotionally compelling and well-made short film discussing artificial intelligence. It was produced in collaboration between popular futurist Gerd Leonhard and Telia Finland. The movie employes powerful visuals, fantastic music and high-quality production but not at the… Continue Reading →
Using this approach, one now examines the conditions whereby humanity fails to achieve civilization; given the interdependency of economy, issues obstructing civilization are interrelated in similar ways. Labour, capital, agreement and population can succumb to such problems as corruption, debt,… Continue Reading →
To begin, one considers the fundamentals of any society, the most foundational of which population, of which society is comprised. Conventionally, population has been classed as the human populace of a society, which provides an acceptable definition for population, at… Continue Reading →
Transhumanism is an ideological movement aiming to improve human intellect, physiology and society through technological and scientific means. It is due to this reliance on technology, and any relevant impedance of scientific progress, that it suffers a lack of implementation;… Continue Reading →
What is Futurism? What isn’t? When people hear the word “Futurism”, a number of possible associations may spring to mind. One may be prognostication, which is to say secular oracles telling us what they think will or will not happen… Continue Reading →
The following article is part of a six-part Transhumanity.net series, comprising a single, previously unpublished paper delivered at the 2010 Humanity+ UK conference in London. The presentation was originally titled “Shock Level Five: Augmented Perception, Perceptuo-Centrism, and Reality”. Future Shock… Continue Reading →
(Provo, UT) Building future communities has had a lot of talk, and a lot of trials, a lot of experiments and more. At the Transhuman House we have been building out infrastructure, building community locally and documenting other groups and projects. … Continue Reading →
We have reached a point in the early 21st Century at which media cannot be assumed to directly represent reality. This is both true in the general and older sense that we may distrust any narrative, but more importantly it is also now… Continue Reading →
Grid Scale Energy Storage So far in Autognosis: Cities we’ve discussed how growth curves of cities could be brought into alignment with other life forms, how a city could be fitted with a smart grid which behaves functionally like a nervous system,… Continue Reading →
Author David Louis Edelman wondered why mass killings didn’t happen in the past. See his 2 Oct 2017 Facebook post. His “pet theory” is modern communication regarding “instant fame and notoriety” make perpetrators more likely to express their “inherent craziness.” Speculation… Continue Reading →
One of the most interesting trends I’ve seen in our sort of post-industrial world is a move to a more self-driven world where manufacturing and services and just about everything that used to be driven by governments, corporations, and large economic factors are… Continue Reading →
Introduction Throughout the European and wider western world, tribalism is once again emerging, through the lens of mainstream xenophobic parties, CounterJihad activism, the emergent Alt-Right and outright militant neo-Nazis. This phenomenon is however not only confined to the western world… Continue Reading →
Paranoid fear of #artificialintelligence will historically been seen in the same light as the house arrest of Galileo. Historic Catholic Church repression (suppression of the heliocentric solar system model) is identical in essence to the fear of AI. In fact,… Continue Reading →
(8 April 2017) I was watching a PBS special called “Space Time – The First Humans on Mars” [1] and found that in the discussion they talked about building a city that essentially would be an over-sized Gravitron [2]. In… Continue Reading →
(2 MAR 2017) Seattle, WA – Amal DT Graffstra CEO of DangeriousThings.com launched a campaign on gofundme to start a ‘Transhumanist Church’. While this is not a uni-formally supported idea and goes outside of the more academic areas of the… Continue Reading →
EFTF and the EFTF Manual is a TNC (Transhuman National Committee) Fundraiser. Get Tickets Here for the Saturday March 11th in Provo, Utah: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/extreme-futures-and-technology-forecasting-work-group-winter-2017-tickets-28855253841 This is a work group that will be an all day workshop on the EFTF book and… Continue Reading →
2016 has been a long year for me personally but a great year in terms of progress in making the success of the TNC possible. The TNC is an important part of my vision for where we as transhumanists need… Continue Reading →
Whether it be a hoverboard from Back to the Future, some top of the range memory loss tools from MIB or, of course, a lightsaber from Star Wars, all of us have watched a movie and truly wished the wonderful… Continue Reading →
At the upcoming EFTF being used to raise funds for the TNC and creating a transhuman political lobby in DC we are adding a new feature to the EFTF even that includes creating a book. So that means EFTF Attendee’s… Continue Reading →
In 1991, the scholar Francis Fukuyama claimed that history had ended, and that the future would only be directed towards defending and expanding the predominant system in the Western World, which he considered was the potential highpoint of human… Continue Reading →
CNN’S COURAGEOUS BRAND STUDIO TO PRODUCE CONFERENCE ON HUMAN AUGMENTATION: HUMAN BY DESIGN Square Enix aligns with first-of-its-kind event to explore the intersection of technology and humanity at the Paley Center for Media in August 2016 NEW YORK – June… Continue Reading →
The Qualitative Futures Square (QFS) is a method of formulating a futures hypothesis. Like a general scientific hypothesis, a futures hypothesis is a starting point in investigating a futures possibility. The QFS is a flexible tool, capable of being the… Continue Reading →
EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →
“FIRST GENE THERAPY SUCCESSFUL AGAINST HUMAN AGING American woman gets biologically younger after gene therapies Elizabeth Parrish, CEO of Bioviva USA Inc. has become the first human being to be successfully rejuvenated by gene therapy, after her own company’s experimental… Continue Reading →
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