the future of humanity now

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Holonic understanding of reality

The Universe can be defined in many ways. What is clear is that there are different levels of realities, which are interacting with one another. Matter is arranged in atoms, which taken together turns into molecules. These molecules arrange themselves… Continue Reading →

LEAF Completes Its First Crowdfunded Project

LEAF already completed its first crowdfunded research project, reaching 154% of its goal. We are now gearing up for another, but to do it we need further reach to like minded people. Please like this page and make a request… Continue Reading →

The Future of Medicine

Speaking at the Summer 2015 Extreme Future Tech Fest sponsored by; learn the state of our current sick care system and its evolution through technology to a real ‘health care system’ by Gerry Miller from Cloudticity the head technologist and… Continue Reading →

Double-Edged Absurdity

I wish Ray Kurzweil would cease his waffling about a supposed “double-edged sword.” It’s a silly notion he utters in almost every interview.   Whoops I’ve sliced my fingers off on the sword-edge of my keyboard typing this. Technology isn’t… Continue Reading →

Brain Health Investment via Sugar Consumption Cost Redistribution

Although the overall trends regarding the consumption of added sugars as decreased from 1999-2007, the overall mean intake of added sugars continues to be an area of concern as they exceed the U.S. Dietary Guidelines on recommended intake. Numerous studies… Continue Reading →

15 Question Zoltan Istvan is Avoiding – why? what are the answers? (opinion)

In early October 2015, a supporter of Zoltan Istvan suggested to the Transhumanist Party Presidential candidate that he should do an “AMA” – Ask Me Anything – to answer questions from the public, and from a group of his criticizers…. Continue Reading →

Transhumanism as a Social Movement and Strategy in Politics, Academia and Government in the United States

It is important when effecting change that we look at the various elements that we need to assess.  Ideally it is my opinion that this be done logically and without emotional baggage but with academic rigor.  This essay is my… Continue Reading →

The Natural Evolution of Prosthetic Technology

With the next installment of the hit video game franchise Deus Ex releasing in early 2016, I believe it is an opportune time to talk about prosthetics and the ethics of cosmetic and functional augmentation. To understand the future of… Continue Reading →


EDIT: Please note that the first paragraph below has been expanded slightly, to make it perfectly clear who the author is, and in what official capacity this letter has been written. My name is Amon Twyman. This is an open… Continue Reading →

Transhuman National Committee of the United States

In an effort to drive community collaboration to decide what the transhumanist party in the United States stands for, there is a new Transhumanist National Committee forming. One of the goals is: as a community, develop a viable strategy for… Continue Reading →

The Institute For Venture Science

I got an invite from a friend of mine, Dr. David Sonntag, to a dinner party locally at the house of a professor at the University of Washington and an invite to a symposium at the private staff club on… Continue Reading → Political Support Retraction is retracting its endorsement of Zoltan Istvan on the grounds that he is not a serious contender for President of the United States. Zoltan’s goal has been to drive interest and awareness for  his view on life extension and transhumanism…. Continue Reading →

I Quit the USA Transhumanist Party. Why? Zoltan’s Non-Inclusive Leadership

On September 19th I left, disgruntled, my position as Secretary of the USATranshumanist Party. The next day, I joined the Open Source Party. The two decisions are closely related: they’re about transparency and democracy in government. USA Transhumanist Party doesn’t… Continue Reading →

With Victory in Our Spirit – crowdfunding another life extension research activism opportunity

One of the main reasons for driving as many supporters as possible together at the movement for indefinite life extension page , is so that we have more potential to act as a larger united front. Doing this in these… Continue Reading →

Critical Topics and Focus Survey (TPC)

The mission of the Transhumanist Policy Center (TPC) is to provide nonpartisan guidance to the public, policy makers and electoral candidates on issues that affect legislation. TPC aims to safeguard the efficacy of scientific fact, empirical research, and critical thinking… Continue Reading →

Policy Center Staff Appointments (press)

Pending formal/legal organization, the Foundation Board of Directors is appointing the following individuals to roles within the organization for assessments of white papers; relating to policy issues that will focus on Policy Center activities to drive sound policy on key… Continue Reading →

Descartes vs. The Future (opinion)

The human race is rocketing toward an unknown future, every second of every day. As time passes, we as a species push ourselves to not only keep up with all of the changes that passing time brings, but we also… Continue Reading →

“The Future of Politics” Conference

The Brighter Brains Institute is cosponsoring (with Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technology) a conference on October 18, at Humanist Hall, in Oakland. The event will take place on a Sunday from 10:30am- 6:00 pm. Lunch will be served, Parking… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Policy Center Request for Papers

With the mission of the TPC (Transhuman Policy Center) being to provide nonpartisan guidance to the public, policy makers and electoral candidates on issues that affect legislation, we need help from the transhumanist community to help articulate some of the… Continue Reading →

Pushing the Boundaries: Transhumanism and the next 25 Years

Transhumanism is a relatively new philosophy that believes in the possibility of humans and technology merging to the point of being indistinguishable from one another. Through technology, humans will be able to transcend the current limitations we all have in… Continue Reading →

Life Extension Advocacy Foundation Launches

New Crowdfunding Platform Bridges Longevity and Aging Researchers with Public Support NEW YORK, Aug. 26, 2015 — The Life Extension Advocacy Foundation (LEAF) officially launches, an online platform designed to bridge the gap between longevity researchers and the public… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Policy Center Guidelines

The following is the finalized version 1 of the TPC (Transhuman Policy Center) guidelines, the TPC is currently looking at paper submissions as well as policy strategy and road map planning.  Let us know if you want to help… Continue Reading →

Stoicism in the Post-Singularity Future

De Mente Artificiosa et Philosophia: Stoicism in the Post-Singularity Future By Steven Umbrello & Tina Forsee   Futurists like Ray Kurzweil believe that advancements in the field of artificial intelligence will culminate to a point in the near future to… Continue Reading →

NO to blanket bans on Genetically Modified crops (press)

TRANSHUMANIST PARTY PRESS RELEASE NO TO BLANKET BANS ON GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS Why the Scottish ban on GM is bad for Scotland and the UK The recent announcement by MSP Richard Lochhead to ban the growing of Genetically Modified crops… Continue Reading →

Opening of the Transhuman Policy Center (press) in partnership with the ‘Foundation’ have agreed upon a joint venture to create a Transhuman Policy Center.  The Transhuman Policy Center is for now a ‘virtual’ think tank focusing on ‘Policies’ as they are applied to Politics; including the… Continue Reading →

Dissecting the Scientists’ Call to Ban Autonomous Lethal Robots

The last six months has seen a rising flood of publicity about “killer robots” and autonomy in weapons systems.  On November 19, 2012, Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a 50-page report “Losing Humanity: The Case against Killer Robots” outlining concerns… Continue Reading →

GMOs: The Future Of Food

For several months now, I’ve wanted to put together a post talking about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), and particularly in the context of food. I’ve had several debates with my friends – I tend toward the pro-GMO camp and several… Continue Reading →

How Should the Concept of God Evolve in the Future?

According to the Wikipedia entry on “major religious groups”, 85% of the world’s population subscribes to some kind of religion. While in reality the world is obviously not divided neatly into “religious” and “non-religious”, and while religion and theism are… Continue Reading →


In the last week, a hundred million people devoted themselves to work of all kinds. Some of it was menial and repetitive; some of it required sophisticated analysis and team building. There were people buying and selling, people inventing, and… Continue Reading →

Digital Nootropics

You are tired, anxious and stressed, and perhaps suffer from a mild headache. Instead of reaching for a pack from Boots, you put on a fashionable “smarthat” (a neat variation of an “electrocap” with a comfortable 10-20 scheme placement for both… Continue Reading →

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