the future of humanity now

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Artificial General Intelligence as an Emergent Quality

Sub-title: Artificial General Intelligence as a Strong Emergence Qualitative Quality of ICOM and the AGI Phase Transition Threshold ABSTRACT This paper summarizes how the Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM) creates the effect of artificial general intelligence or AGI as an… Continue Reading →

Super-Cyborgs: The Future of Human Enhancement

A festival of athletic, artistic and scientific visitations from the future featuring theatre, improvisation, interactive experiences, design prototypes, & multimedia performances! Future sports won’t be a battle of humans vs. robots, but natural vs. enhanced athletes, researchers say. Gone are the days… Continue Reading →

Nanobots for Dinner – Preparing for the Technological Singularity – Book Review

Now you don’t normally see ‘book’ reviews on and further probably not  ‘children’s’ book reviews and in fact now that I think about it this is only the second time ever.  What is cool is that now there is… Continue Reading →

The Future of Power Transmission Wirelessly – Extreme Futures Technology Fest

Exploring the Future of space based solar power and wireless power tranmission from travel to other large scale applications in the future.  From the Extreme Futures Technology Fest Winter 2016 – Session 2 on Wireless Power Adair Daniels speaking from his… Continue Reading →

Exosphere Academy 2016 – Prepare Yourself For The Creative Economy

“The burning desire to press forward in the face of all opposition, limitless curiosity for learning, the ability to adapt, and the will to shape the world for the better— these are the essential traits of the entrepreneur. In our… Continue Reading →

Death – What Can We Do? [video]

The first presentation after the keynote done by Evan West – The Informed Futurist talking about ad attitude adjustment in how we think of death. Even’s talk on Death and how we can look at it differently talks about the… Continue Reading →

AI Self driving Cars No Moral Dilemma

Artificial intelligence debate is flawed at the core. Here is one quick fix regarding the deeply flawed lose-lose AI car-crash greater-good scenario. I am addressing research flaws of: Autonomous Vehicles Need Experimental Ethics: Are We Ready for Utilitarian Cars? By… Continue Reading →

Basic Income Fact and Fiction

Basic Income Has Not Been Debunked David Rotman, via Technology Review (11 March 2016), described basic income as a “danger.” David Rotman wrote: “Eduardo Porter […] does an excellent job of debunking this utopian scenario.” On this occasion I won’t… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Debate 2.0 in SF East Bay

IEET is co-sponsoring “Transhuman Debate 2.0” on April 2, 2016, from 12:30 – 4:00pm in Oakland, CA, at Octopus Literary Salon, 2101 Webster St, #170 – only 2 blocks from BART. HOW DOES CONSCIOUSNESS ARISE? (1:00 – 1:30) Andres Gomez… Continue Reading →

Modeling Emotions in a Computational System

Emotional Modeling in the Independent Core Observer Model Cognitive Architecture ABSTRACT This paper is an overview of the emotional modeling used in the Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM) Cognitive Extension Architecture research which is a methodology or software ‘pattern’ for… Continue Reading →

[press] Official Political Platform/Agenda of the Transhuman National Committee (TNC) 02016

[Adopted by the 02016 TNC convention 27 Feb 02016] The following platform is the basis for the TNC’s transhumanist agenda that will be lobbied for in the United States by the TNC. Transhumanist Declaration Policy Plank The TNC starts with… Continue Reading →

[press] Official Statement to the TNC Convention 2016 by Lincoln Cannon

“I support the Transhuman National Committee in its goal to influence governance in the United States of America on behalf of Transhumanists in a democratic manner, reflecting our diversity, and with secular neutrality toward traditional and emerging cultures. I also… Continue Reading →

[press] Official Statement to the TNC Convention 2016 by Dr. Amon Twyman

[TPG] STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF THE (US) TRANSHUMAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE The following is an open letter being read as an address at the (US) Transhuman National Committee convention on 27th February 2016: My name is Amon Twyman, and I am… Continue Reading →

[Press] Official Summary of the TNC Convention 02016

The Official Summary of the TNC Convention for 2016 includes: The new official Board of directors includes: The Executive Committee: Chairperson: David J Kelley Vice Chair: John Warren Technology Chair: Mark Waser Social Media Chair: B.j. Murphy Compliance Chair: Daniel… Continue Reading →

[press] Official Statement to the TNC Convention 02016 by David Brin

It is, of course, wise and beneficial to peer ahead for potential dangers and problems — one of the central tasks of high-end science fiction. Alas, detecting that a danger lurks is easier than prescribing solutions that can prevent it…. Continue Reading →

Live Streaming – EFTF Winter 02016

EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →

A Way to Pay for Global Citizen’s Income: Project Update & Report

Concerning a way to pay for an Unconditional Basic Income that grows instead of fails or remains just enough to relieve severe poverty: A Basic Income project was announced at on November 24, 2014.(1) The approach described involves a… Continue Reading →

[Press] Targeting Aging with Metformin (TAME) Global Health Span Policy Institute

Right now, the federal government spends billions each year in medical research seeking to cure one disease at a time – while virtually ignoring the underlying processes that eventually lead to a whole host of fatal diseases. It is estimated… Continue Reading →

[press] Transhuman National Committee (TNC) Convention – 02016

The TNC Convention is a virtual streaming convention that will decide who is on the executive committee, who is on the board and what the platform that the TNC will use as the basis for lobby efforts and other political… Continue Reading →

[press] Unanimous AI Powering the 02016 TNC Convention

Unanimous AI in an effort to support NPO’s like the TNC has agreed to support the TNC convention with integration with our member portal ( as the voting platform for the 02016 convention.  This move shows the TNC’s willingness to… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Debate

The debate will feature three “Oxford Style” Transhumanist Team Debates on these three topics: IMMIGRATION & BORDERS BASIC INCOME GUARANTEE WHAT IS THE ‘NATURE’ OF THE SINGULARITY? WILL IT HAPPEN AT ALL? Each debate will be one hour long. The… Continue Reading →

Call For Papers “POSTHUMAN FUTURES” NYU, April 22nd 2016 (Deadline: February 21st 2016)

THE SECOND GLOCAL SYMPOSIUM, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (NYU), LIBERAL STUDIES PROGRAM IN COLLABORATION WITH THE NEW YORK POSTHUMAN RESEARCH GROUP [1] The specific focus of this Symposium is dedicated to the significance of the posthuman in relation to near and far… Continue Reading →

New Thinktank to Promote Research, Innovation for Treatment of Underlying Causes of Aging Related Disease

January 25th, Washington, D.C. – A new think tank to support the research and development of innovative treatments for the underlying causes of aging-related disease has been founded in Washington, D.C. The Global Healthspan Policy Institute represents a member network… Continue Reading →

We need you! To Make a Difference in Transhumanism…

Are you of the belief that we can use technology to be more then what we are?  Or that we can help those around us? That we can solve problems like old age?  That through science and technology humankind can… Continue Reading →

Extreme Futures Tech Fest – Winter 2016

This time even better then before EFTF, get your tickets now for Saturday Febuarary 27th in Seattle. Get the Early Bird Tickets Now before the prices goes up here: EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across… Continue Reading →

For Public Comment: The 21st Century Cures Act

Being evaluated by the TPC currently: The 21st Century Cures Act (House Resolution 6 is a bi-partisan proposal introduced by from Congressman Fred Upton (R-MI) and introduced May 19 2015 and assigned to the House Energy and Commerce Committee chaired… Continue Reading →

The State of Transhumanism 02016

By the Interim Chairperson of the Transhuman National Committee of the United States Let us face it, Transhumanism is an Ideology, an ideology about ‘transcending’ our biology, of being more than we are, of being ethically and morally bound to… Continue Reading →

2015 Annual Report

The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 81,000 times in 2015. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 3 days for that many people to see it. The… Continue Reading →

Becoming the First Transhuman: A Call For The Right Stuff

Who will officially be the first transhuman? Will it be you? Why wait decades? This article explains one approach to speeding up the process and also the challenge involved. Defining the Object of the Goal: Although the words ‘cyborg’ and… Continue Reading →

The Coming New Global Mind

Are we evolving into new species with hybrid thinking interlinked into the Global Mind? At what point will the Web may become self-aware? Or is it already? Once our neocortices are seamlessly connected to the Web, how will that feel… Continue Reading →

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