the future of humanity now

Tag transhuman

Lucy: Transhumanism Without Technology?

[WARNING: Spoilers Ahead] What can only be described as a mishmash of Neil Burger’s Limitless and Wally Pfister’s Transcendence, the latest science-fiction box office hit Lucy is a rollercoaster ride of pseudo-science and futurist ideals. Taking place in a modern… Continue Reading →

Diamond Based Quantum Computer POC Project Start

Project Status: Time to get volunteers and raise money, currently project assets are in process such as this site, a cloud based share and more. Overview: “We propose a profitable means of building a new space economy for the people… Continue Reading →

The New Grind (opinion)

There is a significant difference between wanting the future and working towards it. We are at a point where we are an increasingly design driven society. We’re in a feedback loop of building a narrative about what we want and… Continue Reading →

The Evolving Dynamic of Evil and Love

“I think it is no exaggeration to say we are on the cusp of the further perfection of extreme evil, an evil whose possibility spreads well beyond that which weapons of mass destruction bequeathed to the nation-states, on to a… Continue Reading →

Cyberlife Is Now Live

After a few weeks of hard work and dedication, Cyberlife is now completely available to the public. This new webzine will be primarily focused on showcasing the culture of transhumanism, a philosophical and scientific movement that has been gaining momentum… Continue Reading →

H+ Couture: AR Cosmetics and Oxygen Masks

I have always said that transhumanist fashion is focused around form and function. At times, this can be situational but is always dependent on the latest trends and the latest technological developments. Of course, necessity can be incorporated into style… Continue Reading →

Ushering in the Diamond Age of Quantum Computing

Abstract: A robust quantum computer could have been affordably built decades ago based on existing technologies. Diamond’s atomic structure is perfectly suited for the optical form of quantum computing. Proton beam lithography will convert areas below the surface of synthetic… Continue Reading →

The “Certificate in Transhumanism” – is back!

NOTE: This Certificate is no longer being Taught.  We are currently talking to other professors to possible teach a new version. and Brighter Brains Institute are co-hosting an exciting and unique Certificate in Transhumanism course. The course was first… Continue Reading →

Cyberlife: The New Periodical on the Block

Lately, there has been some buzzing around on TNet about a new website and some people have been intrigued with what is going on. Well, here’s the truth; we are. We have been working on an adjacent site that deals… Continue Reading →

Thoughts on Ethereum

Two days ago I attended a very interesting talk hosted by London Futurists, and presented by Stephan Tual, CCO of Ethereum. I find Ethereum extremely interesting, both out of my general interests in computing and decentralization, and also because Zero… Continue Reading →

Advantages of DMF optical computing over the D-wave Quantum Computing

A way to understand the huge and important advantages of DMF optical computing over the D-wave is to think of things this way:  Imagine the problems of building a D-wave into a computer brain that will allow robots to operate… Continue Reading →

How Safely Can You Practice DIY Drugs?

The demand is rising for enhancement technologies. An article at Forbes argues the market is ripe for a means of cognitive augmentation, hypothesizing “IQ” as the next trillion dollar business. And culturally, more are becoming comfortable with the idea of… Continue Reading →

Researchers, Ahoy! Should Futurist Science Move… Offshore?

What is the likelihood of seeing research vessels devoted to scientific research outside the bounds of national jurisdiction? The idea of relocating for the sake of circumventing law, in particular the notion of establishing new nations in international waters, is… Continue Reading →

Oscar Pistorius Now … Elective Amputation in 10 Years?

Oscar Pistorious’ – nicknamed “Blade Runner” and “The Fastest Man On No Legs” – was the first ever amputee to compete in the World Olympics. Ever since the announcement that Pistorius would race for South Africa in the 2012 Olympics… Continue Reading →

Artificial Wombs Will Spawn New Freedoms

co-written with Hank Pellissier  Eggs were first. Millions of years before mammals, eggs existed, their hard shells protecting the incubating embryo inside. Egg Mom wanders mobile, light in her anatomy—unlike her mammalian sister that waddles around, heavily crippled with the… Continue Reading →

Gabriel Rothblatt Lost the Race

Yes, this is true. Gabriel Rothblatt, the first transhumanist to run for a US Congressional seat, has lost to Bill Posey. Acquiring roughly 65% of the popular vote, Bill Posey won Florida’s District 8 House of Representatives seat. Considering that… Continue Reading →

3D Printing Laboratories: The Age of DIY Designer Drugs Begins

Novel techniques in 3D printing technology simplify the production of drugs, enabling home design and synthesis of pharmaceuticals.The Science: Professor Lee Cronin, Chair of Chemistry at the University of Glasgow and his team have built what they call “reactionware”, “special… Continue Reading →

Transhumanism for Children

Are children capable of contemplating transhumanism?It is often pointed out that transhumanism shares many features with religion. It answers questions regarding the nature of the world and humanity’s place in it, offers guidance on how to live, and inspires hope…. Continue Reading →

H+ couture: Clever Wearables and Solar Dresses

With transhumanism becoming more popular, the movement will spread to more mediums than computing and medicine. Fashion is one of these mediums. In my last article dealing with transhumanist fashion, I laid out a simple rubric as to what how… Continue Reading →

Why AR (Augmented Reality) Will Be Big…

So this is an article originally posted on my blog based on my work as a CTO setting corporate strategy that has a lot of research behind it that I can’t publish due to work restrictions. that being said, you… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Kickstarter: Augmented Reality, Spell the Game and the Foundation

I’ve spent the last almost 20 years building a career in corporate America with the goal of getting to the point of having enough resources and industry standing to do something worthwhile and contribute to society or rather to the… Continue Reading →

MILE: Guide to the Movement for Indefinite Life Extension

MILE: Guide to the Movement for Indefinite Life Extension Goals: The MILE mission is to execute a series of goals to bring awareness of indefinite life extension to the world stage (8 million+ people) through Facebook page. – the… Continue Reading →

“Alpha Thinkers” are the Transhuman Wave of the Future

Alpha thinkers are creatives, innovators, pioneers. They acutely and agilely navigate an abundance of diverse, fallacy aware thinking. The alpha thinker can’t bring themselves to live at the last outpost and not venture further. They cannot resist poking their finger… Continue Reading → NewsReader Open Source Project

We are pleased to announce an open source project that contains all the source code for the two released news reader applications as well as the Xamarin based Android application source tree.  We are currently working on an HTML5 for… Continue Reading →

Google Wants to Fund Radical Life Extension Startups

I think you’ve all read the news that Google is to fund radical life extension, cryogenics and nanotechnology. My thoughts about it: 1. I love the sound of it, obviously “We look for entrepreneurs with a healthy disregard for the… Continue Reading →

Fixing the Brain – Dr. Lisa Ellerby’s Research on Huntington’s Disease

I have just returned from Oman, one of the most progressive countries in the Middle East with their healthcare system ranking 8 in the world. The reason that brought me to such an unusual destination was the Buck Advisory Council… Continue Reading →

I am an “Aging Fighter” Because Life is the Main Human Right, Demand and Desire

I am an aging fighter. I would very much like to live forever, but most importantly I would like all the people in the world to have this opportunity. I work for the Science for Life Extension Foundation in Moscow,… Continue Reading →

Dr. Ken Hayworth – Will You Upload Your Mind? Part 2

One of the greatest forever unresolved philosophical questions: What is reality? will get a whole lot more complex if Ken Hayworth’s perspective on the logical conclusion to his work is attained. Hayworth’s work: brain mapping. The proposed logical conclusion: mind… Continue Reading →

Start a Futurist Transhuman Meetup

A great way to build community is to start a meetup. In the Microsoft developer world I used to be really into user groups. One of the user groups I started was {Interact} Seattle, a designer developer interaction group designed… Continue Reading →

Transhumanism, Young W#$%@ and Old Bigots

In a letter to Max Born (source), Albert Einstein quoted ”the beautiful proverb: Junge Huren – alte Betschwestern (young whores – old bigots)”. We have seen it happen so many times: once upon a time there was a wild teenager,… Continue Reading →

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