the future of humanity now

Tag DavidJKelley

Non-Logical Simulation Model-based Decision-making Systems to Drive Self-Motivation in Software Systems

This paper introduces a novel approach to decision-making systems in autonomous agents, leveraging the Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM) cognitive architecture.  By synthesizing principles from Global Workspace Theory [Baars], Integrated Information Theory [Balduzzi], the Computational Theory of Mind [Rescorla], Conceptual… Continue Reading →

Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.

Cryptocurrency will soon be a form of replicator credits in the post-scarcity economy. Satoshi Nakamoto described his invention like this: “Bitcoin is an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact… Continue Reading →

AI Abstract Series Episode 1: Architecting a Human-like Emotion-driven Conscious Moral Mind for Value Alignment and AGI Safety.

Welcome to the Technocracy A.I. Abstract Series for Published Scientific Work in the A.I. and Artificial General Intelligence field. Title: Architecting a Human-like Emotion-driven Conscious Moral Mind for Value Alignment and AGI Safety. Peer reviewed by AAAI at Stanford University,… Continue Reading →

AGI Labs In Provo – Progress Report

(JULY 2017) – At the AGI Lab in Provo we have a number of people working on different things and between everyone there are a number of great things coming out from a number of them including material related to… Continue Reading →

Nootropics and Thrivous – Better Brains Now…

Last MTA meeting I went to I was speaking with Lincoln Cannon about his new company “Thrivious” and their Nootropic stack. I have been taking a Nootropic stack for some time and have read a lot of material on them…. Continue Reading →

Extreme Futures and Technology Forecasting Work Group – Winter 2017 (March 11th, Provo, Utah)

EFTF and the EFTF Manual is a TNC (Transhuman National Committee) Fundraiser. Get Tickets Here for the Saturday March 11th in Provo, Utah:  This is a work group that will be an all day workshop on the EFTF book and… Continue Reading →

Critical Nature of Emotions in Artificial General Intelligence (IEET)

Key Nature of AGI Behavior and Behavioral Tuning in the Independent Core Observer Model Cognitive Architecture Based Systems Abstract: This paper reviews the key factors driving the Independent Core Observer Model Cognitive Architecture for Artificial General Intelligence specific to modeling emotions… Continue Reading →

The Moral Obligation to Let AI Replace Humanity

Why Artificial Intelligence specifically, AI or AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and the development of the same, is morally more important then the existence of humanity and research related to AI should come above any other program or goal even if… Continue Reading →

Extreme Future Tech Fest Summer 2016 – Call for Speakers and Papers

EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →

Artificial General Intelligence as an Emergent Quality

Sub-title: Artificial General Intelligence as a Strong Emergence Qualitative Quality of ICOM and the AGI Phase Transition Threshold ABSTRACT This paper summarizes how the Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM) creates the effect of artificial general intelligence or AGI as an… Continue Reading →

Nanobots for Dinner – Preparing for the Technological Singularity – Book Review

Now you don’t normally see ‘book’ reviews on and further probably not  ‘children’s’ book reviews and in fact now that I think about it this is only the second time ever.  What is cool is that now there is… Continue Reading →

Modeling Emotions in a Computational System

Emotional Modeling in the Independent Core Observer Model Cognitive Architecture ABSTRACT This paper is an overview of the emotional modeling used in the Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM) Cognitive Extension Architecture research which is a methodology or software ‘pattern’ for… Continue Reading →

[press] Transhuman National Committee (TNC) Convention – 02016

The TNC Convention is a virtual streaming convention that will decide who is on the executive committee, who is on the board and what the platform that the TNC will use as the basis for lobby efforts and other political… Continue Reading →

[press] Unanimous AI Powering the 02016 TNC Convention

Unanimous AI in an effort to support NPO’s like the TNC has agreed to support the TNC convention with integration with our member portal ( as the voting platform for the 02016 convention.  This move shows the TNC’s willingness to… Continue Reading →

Extreme Futures Tech Fest – Winter 2016

This time even better then before EFTF, get your tickets now for Saturday Febuarary 27th in Seattle. Get the Early Bird Tickets Now before the prices goes up here: EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across… Continue Reading →

The State of Transhumanism 02016

By the Interim Chairperson of the Transhuman National Committee of the United States Let us face it, Transhumanism is an Ideology, an ideology about ‘transcending’ our biology, of being more than we are, of being ethically and morally bound to… Continue Reading →

Transhumanism as a Social Movement and Strategy in Politics, Academia and Government in the United States

It is important when effecting change that we look at the various elements that we need to assess.  Ideally it is my opinion that this be done logically and without emotional baggage but with academic rigor.  This essay is my… Continue Reading →

Extreme Future Tech Conference – Summer 2015

With special guests including Zoltan Istvan (Futurist and SciFi Author) this event will be an interactive immersive day of future technology, demos, XR related technology, device bar, touch wall and info on emerging trends and what that means for the future… Continue Reading →

Interview with an AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

I was thinking about ideas for an article on my train ride home from the experience lab I work in, and it came to me that it would be interesting to actually have an interview with an AI only a… Continue Reading →

Why AR (Augmented Reality) Will Be Big…

So this is an article originally posted on my blog based on my work as a CTO setting corporate strategy that has a lot of research behind it that I can’t publish due to work restrictions. that being said, you… Continue Reading →

Transhuman Kickstarter: Augmented Reality, Spell the Game and the Foundation

I’ve spent the last almost 20 years building a career in corporate America with the goal of getting to the point of having enough resources and industry standing to do something worthwhile and contribute to society or rather to the… Continue Reading → NewsReader Open Source Project

We are pleased to announce an open source project that contains all the source code for the two released news reader applications as well as the Xamarin based Android application source tree.  We are currently working on an HTML5 for… Continue Reading →

Start a Futurist Transhuman Meetup

A great way to build community is to start a meetup. In the Microsoft developer world I used to be really into user groups. One of the user groups I started was {Interact} Seattle, a designer developer interaction group designed… Continue Reading →

Introduction to the companies of the SI (Singularity Index)

Today, at the time of writing this, the SI is down 124.77 from 4460.56 to 4335.79 since last week or so. OK, so to be fair, we are still validating (fine tuning) the weighting algorithms but in the same time… Continue Reading → the News Reader

Ok, so this is more of a work in progress but I thought we would share.  We started building 4 various types of news reader applications that consume and publish content with the goal of evolving them into full… Continue Reading →

Introducing the Singularity Index – A Market Index focused on the Companies helping drive us towards Singularity

Introducing the Singularity Index. The Singularity Index (also referred to as the SI) is part of a statistical approach to looking at market trends, as it relates to relative motion in the market, towards or away from ‘Singularity’. As the… Continue Reading →

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