the future of humanity now

Tag transhumanity

Transhuman Party promotes Radical Democracy & Collective Intelligence

7.6 billion people are living on Earth, and every one of them deserves equal political power.  Transhuman Party (a new H+ organization) believes the future should be egalitarian, cooperative, inclusive, anti-hierarchal, motivated by egoless altruistic reform-seeking actions, with radical democracy and collective intelligence. Transhuman Party… Continue Reading →

360 View Tour – Version TR.01

This initial version of the house is about learning what works, whats new and bringing resources together, building experiences and otherwise move the various transhuman projects forward and the Foundation’s vision for the future.  From local organizations such as the… Continue Reading →

The Transhuman House Opens in Provo

(Jun 2017) A long time in planning, the Transhuman House has finally opened in Provo Utah. Open to the public anyone is able to go and use the Foundation Library including the Transhuman Collection in a Transhuman Reading room as… Continue Reading →

Nootropics and Thrivous – Better Brains Now…

Last MTA meeting I went to I was speaking with Lincoln Cannon about his new company “Thrivious” and their Nootropic stack. I have been taking a Nootropic stack for some time and have read a lot of material on them…. Continue Reading →

ZeroState 2.0 Reboot – Gamification of Real Life Virtual State…

(2 April 2017) ZeroState 2.0 finished removing all the members (More then 3000+ members) of the original Facebook group and effectively soft launched the new ZeroState 2.0 projects.  For those not familiar with ZeroState history this online group had ties… Continue Reading →

Launching the Church of Transhumanism?

(2 MAR 2017) Seattle, WA – Amal DT Graffstra CEO of launched a campaign on gofundme to start a ‘Transhumanist Church’.  While this is not a uni-formally supported idea and goes outside of the more academic areas of the… Continue Reading →

Antinomianism as a necessary component of Transhumanist Philosophy

When I first learned of Transhumanism, I agreed with it almost reflexively. To me it seemed obvious that “we” needed to build a future in which the humanity could overcome its natural enemies: disease, poverty, and political corruption/mismanagement. I say… Continue Reading →

Extreme Futures and Technology Forecasting Work Group – Winter 2017 (March 11th, Provo, Utah)

EFTF and the EFTF Manual is a TNC (Transhuman National Committee) Fundraiser. Get Tickets Here for the Saturday March 11th in Provo, Utah:  This is a work group that will be an all day workshop on the EFTF book and… Continue Reading →

State of the Transhuman National Committee 2017

2016 has been a long year for me personally but a great year in terms of progress in making the success of the TNC possible.  The TNC is an important part of my vision for where we as transhumanists need… Continue Reading →

Future Technology from Films

Whether it be a hoverboard from Back to the Future, some top of the range memory loss tools from MIB or, of course, a lightsaber from Star Wars, all of us have watched a movie and truly wished the wonderful… Continue Reading →

Fight Discrimination Against Transhumanists

One of the big dangers of the ever increasing ideological divide in the United States is that transhumanist’s will be targeted and discriminated against.  Being targeted over ones children because of being a transhumanists is a rights issue that is… Continue Reading →

(press) Artificial General Intelligence Inc. creates AI system with Complex Emotional Subjective Experience

SEATTLE, Nov 7, 2016 – Artificial General Intelligence Inc. [1] researchers have created a software system with complex emotional subjective experience – a groundbreaking achievement that includes a subconscious landscape based on the Plutchik emotional model [2]. Moreover, the company’s… Continue Reading →

[press] The TNC 2016 Election Finding of Fact

While the Transhuman National Committee (TNC) has been working on the formation and legal structures to provide the TNC with the legal foundation for moving forward as well as the policy and platform development the board has done some research… Continue Reading →

Ethics in designing AI Algorithms — part 3 (final)

Can a machine have morals or ethics? And if it did, what would guide them? Heck, a lot of people today don’t even have morals; how are we going to design AI systems with the proper moral parameters? Can a… Continue Reading →


Timothy Killian authored a critique of the New God Argument (NGA). Entitled “An Analytic Review of Lincoln Cannon’s ‘The New God Argument’“, the critique includes some interesting thoughts about NGA’s assumptions. The critique also includes numerous mischaracterizations of NGA, the… Continue Reading →

An Analytical Review of Lincoln Cannon’s The New God Argument

“A Logical Argument for Faith In God” The New God Argument [1] (NGA) purports to be a logical argument for faith in God. It was created by Lincoln Cannon, the founder of The Mormon Transhumanist Association. The NGA owes much to a… Continue Reading →

EFTF Attendee’s will become named authors of the Extreme Futures Technology and Forecasting Journal 2016 edition

At the upcoming EFTF being used to raise funds for the TNC and creating a transhuman political lobby in DC we are adding a new feature to the EFTF even that includes creating a book. So that means EFTF Attendee’s… Continue Reading →

Critical Nature of Emotions in Artificial General Intelligence (IEET)

Key Nature of AGI Behavior and Behavioral Tuning in the Independent Core Observer Model Cognitive Architecture Based Systems Abstract: This paper reviews the key factors driving the Independent Core Observer Model Cognitive Architecture for Artificial General Intelligence specific to modeling emotions… Continue Reading →

TNC Fundraising Event Oct 22nd San Francisco – Extreme Futures Technology and Forecasting Conference Partnership

The TNC (Transhuman National Committee) is doing its initial fund raising through a partnership with EFTF (Extreme Futures Technology and Forecasting Conference) coming to San Francisco on Saturday Oct 22nd.  Proceeds from the event will help fund an office in… Continue Reading →

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

On October 14-15, 2016, the NYU Center for Mind, Brain and Consciousness in conjunction with the NYU Center for Bioethics will host a conference on “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence”. Speakers and panelists will include: Nick Bostrom (Future of Humanity Institute), Meia Chita-Tegmark (Future of Life Institute), Mara… Continue Reading →

The Moral Obligation to Let AI Replace Humanity

Why Artificial Intelligence specifically, AI or AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and the development of the same, is morally more important then the existence of humanity and research related to AI should come above any other program or goal even if… Continue Reading →


Will you help us here? The last two went over 100% but this one is falling behind a bit. We all lead the way for others when we complete these and not completing them could possibly show that the cause… Continue Reading →

Implementing a Seed Safe/Moral Motivational System with the Independent Core Observer Model (ICOM)(BICA)

Abstract: Arguably, the most important questions about machine intelligences revolve around how they will decide what actions to take. If they decide to take actions which are deliberately, or even incidentally, harmful to humanity, then they would likely become an… Continue Reading →

Transhumanism, Sustainability and our future

  In 1991, the scholar Francis Fukuyama claimed that history had ended, and that the future would only be directed towards defending and expanding the predominant system in the Western World, which he considered was the potential highpoint of human… Continue Reading →

Human By Design Conference in NYC – Aug

CNN’S COURAGEOUS BRAND STUDIO TO PRODUCE CONFERENCE ON HUMAN AUGMENTATION: HUMAN BY DESIGN Square Enix aligns with first-of-its-kind event to explore the intersection of technology and humanity at the Paley Center for Media in August 2016 NEW YORK – June… Continue Reading →

Exosphere Academy Scholarship Program

Help us send students to the Exosphere or sign up your self.  donate here: DONATE The Exosphere Academy program is both about gaining skills while simultaneously exchanging experiences, knowledge, working and collaborating with participants from around the world looking to do… Continue Reading →

Ethics in designing AI Algorithms - part 1

As our civilization becomes more and more reliant upon computers and other intelligent devices, there arises specific moral issue that designers and programmers will inevitably be forced to address. Among these concerns is trust. Can we trust that the AI… Continue Reading →

Nootropics for Newbies [review]

Ok, the book “Nootrics for Newbies” from a design standpoint is a huge knock off the ‘dummies’ series but from a publisher I have not heard of.   As a book on “Nootropics”, this is a great over view of nootropics… Continue Reading →

Intro to Qualitative Futures Squares

The Qualitative Futures Square (QFS) is a method of formulating a futures hypothesis. Like a general scientific hypothesis, a futures hypothesis is a starting point in investigating a futures possibility. The QFS is a flexible tool, capable of being the… Continue Reading →

Extreme Future Tech Fest Summer 2016 – Call for Speakers and Papers

EFTF is a tech conference focused on emerging technology trends, across the tech sector. It covers the latest in emerging technology, the topics related to those trends but also social impact and emerging societal changes and where we are going… Continue Reading →

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